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How to get rid of cockroaches from home?

How to deal with harmful insects?

In case your house is turning out to be a home to cockroaches, making you vulnerable to numerous infections, it is important to get rid of them as soon as you can. The answer on how to get rid of small cockroaches is well elaborated in this article.

Effective home remedies for cockroaches 

Here are some home remedies you can use to get rid of cockroaches. 

Boric acid

Boric acid is first on the list for getting rid of cockroaches home remedies. It is said to be one of the most effective cockroach home treatments. For optimal results, sprinkle a small amount of this powder in corners and floors and allow it to rest until roaches come into contact with it and die. Boric acid is ineffective when moist. A word of caution: this powder is dangerous and should always be kept out of the reach of children and pets.

Baking soda

It is a typical example of the fish and baits strategy. A mixture of baking soda and sugar is an efficient technique to stop the spread of these pests. Sugar functions as a cockroach attractant, while baking soda kills them. You have to find their hiding places and sprinkle this mixture in the corners. Baking soda is second on the list for getting rid of cockroaches home remedies, and it is one of the most effective remedies concerning how to get rid of small cockroaches.


Over the years, neem has been utilised as a natural cure for various things, including pests. Neem oil and powder include active ingredients that can kill cockroaches.  Combine a tiny amount of neem oil with water in a spray bottle and spray it in areas where you’ve seen these pests. If you use neem powder, however, all you have to do is sprinkle it in cockroach-infested regions at night and repeat the process in the morning. Using a handful of neem leaves and water, make a paste. Filter the water and transfer the liquid to a spray bottle. At night, spray the mixture on the affected regions and voila! You will no longer have to find how to get rid of small cockroaches.


Peppermint oil

One of the most potent essential oils for cockroach control is peppermint oil. Spray the infected regions of your home with a combination of seawater and peppermint oil. You will notice a difference with consistent application.


Bay leaves

Bay Leaves is fifth on the list for getting rid of cockroaches home remedies. Crush some bay leaves and put them in your cupboards or other places where you see them frequently. Alternatively, you may boil some leaves and spray the resulting liquid onto diseased areas. This Indian strategy should keep them at bay.


Fabric softener

If you want an alternative to market repellents, combine fabric softener with water and store it in a spray bottle. When you see a cockroach, spray this combination directly on it and watch it die. However, this may not be the ideal approach for a large-scale infestation.


Silica Aerogel and sugar

Silica aerogel is a useful element for cockroach control and will help you in your quest on how to get rid of small cockroaches. In a 3:1 ratio, combine silica aerogel with sugar. Spread this mixture over the cockroach-infested areas. For the best results, repeat the process.


Pepper, onion and garlic

Prepare a pepper powder, onion paste, and garlic solution, then dissolve it in one litre of water. The answer should be strewn across the affected areas. They will be kept at bay by the odour of the combination.


Pine-sol and bleach

Bring these two components to a boil in water and then pour the mixture onto the affected regions. It can be a highly effective chemical-free method of driving cockroaches away from your house.



Keep a few cucumber slices in a tin container and leave it alone. The interaction between cucumber and tin jars can produce a fragrance that cockroaches dislike.


What can you do to keep cockroaches at bay?

There are some measures you can take to keep cockroaches out of your house in the first place. 


Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink

Cockroaches are attracted to food residue, so it’s important to wash your dishes immediately after use. Avoid leaving them in the sink overnight, as this can attract roaches.

Get rid of the garbage regularly

Open and overflowing garbage cans can attract pests, including cockroaches. Use garbage cans with lids and ensure they are tightly sealed. Segregate waste and dispose of it regularly to maintain cleanliness and prevent infestations.

Clear away any food crumbs

Cockroaches are often found near food crumbs and leftovers. Keep your kitchen clean by sweeping the floor and wiping kitchen counters after cooking or eating. Avoid leaving food spills or crumbs unattended.

Keep an eye on water leakages

Cockroaches thrive in moist environments, so it’s important to address any water leakages or standing water in and around your home. Fix leaking pipes, faucets, and other sources of moisture to eliminate potential breeding grounds for roaches.



What home remedy kills roaches fast?

The most effective home remedy to quickly eliminate roaches is boric acid. Create a mixture by combining equal parts boric acid, flour, and sugar to make small 'dough balls' about an inch in size. Place these dough balls in areas where you've seen cockroaches; they will consume them and be killed.

How do I get rid of roaches permanently?

To permanently rid your home of roaches, seal any openings and maintain a vegetation-free zone to prevent them from entering. Instead of using foggers, opt for methods like diatomaceous earth, boric acid, or gel-based baits to kill roaches.

What smells keep roaches away?

Roaches are deterred by scents like oregano, mint, eucalyptus, catnip, rosemary, lemongrass and citrus oils. Lower concentrations, around 2.5 parts per hundred, tend to work best as repellents.

What smell kills cockroaches instantly?

Mint, such as peppermint oil, can effectively kill cockroaches when mixed with water and sprayed in areas where bugs can enter your home. Mint contains menthone, a compound that is lethal to cockroaches and also serves as a strong deterrent due to its smell.

What kills roaches and their eggs?

Diatomaceous earth is a great choice for killing cockroach eggs. Ensure that you use the food-grade version of diatomaceous earth for best results, as it is toxic to roaches and can dehydrate their egg cases (ootheca).

Does vinegar stop roaches?

White vinegar is known to be highly effective in repelling bugs like cockroaches. While vinegar on its own is not potent enough to kill cockroaches, its undiluted smell and taste can disinfect the area and deter insects from entering.

What does baking soda do to roaches?

Baking soda is repugnant to roaches, both in taste and smell. It can harm roaches by damaging their exoskeleton and internal organs when they come into contact with it.

What attracts roaches?

Roaches are attracted to various things, including food left out, small pieces of trash, soap containers, and more.

Can cockroaches bite?

Yes, cockroaches are capable of biting humans, although cases of cockroach bites are extremely rare. There have been reports of cockroaches biting fingernails, eyelashes, and calloused skin on hands or feet. Cockroaches also consume dead skin cells.

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