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Over 2,160-sqft plot developments now covered under WB RERA

Charge equally for agents, firms: HC to Haryana RERA

June 8, 2023: There has been a revision in the criteria of inclusion of projects under the West Bengal Real Estate Regulatory Authority (WB RERA).

According to a TOI report, a notification issued on June 6, 2023, mentioned that any development on a 3-kottah plot with six or more flats will now come under the purview of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016.

Note that kottah is a unit of area used for measuring land in Bengal. 1 kottah is equal to 720 sqft.

Thus, under the new notification, built-up area of such projects under the WB RERA purview will be around 6,000 to 7,000 sqft on which three to four flats will be constructed.

Previously, only projects constructed in plots of 7.5 kottah or more and having eight flats or more were covered under the WB RERA. The built-up area was around 15,000 sqft on which 12-15 units were built.

Sushil Mohta, president, Credai West Bengal, welcomed the move and said that lack of regulation earlier resulted in instances like developers handing over the project without completion certificate, leaving the project midway, poor construction quality or selling the same unit to more than one homebuyer. Previously, in cases of fraud by the promoter, homebuyers did not have any option but to approach the courts. With these projects under the WB RERA ambit, compliance from small developments in West Bengal will be ensured.


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