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Balsam Flowers: How to grow and care for it?

Balsam is an annual that is simple to grow. The roughly 1 to 3-inch-wide flowers have a vibrant cup shape. They bloom in the late spring and continue through the first fall frost. The blossoms might be spotted, bicolored, or uniform in colour.

In full sun to partial shade on fertile, porous, well-drained but moist soils, I. balsamina thrives. Balsam tolerates 3–4 hours of direct sunshine nicely. It may grow on various soil types, such as clay, sand, and loamy soils, with a pH range of 5.6 to 7.5. These species do not tolerate frost. It is not tolerant of dry environments well and likes a damp environment. Fertile, well-drained soil is preferred for balsam. It performs best in warm weather and can tolerate moist soil as long as it is not wet.

Source: Pinterest

What is a Balsam flower?

Garden balsam, scientifically known as Impatiens balsamina. It is a perennial flower that blooms on tall stems covered in lance-shaped, light-green leaves with serrated edges. It is an evergreen plant. Garden balsam has tall stems that are scarce and support larger double flowers. The colors of flowers include pink, red, white, and light purple. The plants, which can reach heights of 12 to 36 inches, are strong, upright, and narrow. 


Balsam flower: Important facts

Name of species  Impatiens balsamina
Taxonomic Tree Domain: Eukaryota

     Kingdom: Plantae

         Phylum: Spermatophyta

             Subphylum: Angiospermae

                    Class: Dicotyledonae

Family Name Balsaminaceae
Common Name Balsam, Garden balsam, Rose balsam, Chinese balsam, jewelweed, Touch-me-not, Spotted snap weed, Lady’s slipper
Division Of The Plant Angiosperms (Seed Plants)
Category Annual, Broadleaved, Herbaceous, Seed propagated, Vegetatively propagated
Mode of Nutrition Autotrophic
Preferred Climate  Tropical and subTropical regions
Native Habitat Terrestrial, wetlands, forests, forest edges, gardens, yards, and on the side of the road
Desirable Plant Features Ornamental flowers, Ornamental foliage
Landscape Uses Outdoor and also indoor Plant
Temperature Temperature between 15°C – 25°C ( 59°F-64°F) 
Blooming Time Summer to fall (May to October) 

Balsam plant: Anatomy

Source: Pinterest

Balsam flower: Habitat and distribution

Native touch-me-not plants can be found in numerous parts of Eastern Asia, including India, China and Myanmar. In several Pacific Ocean islands, these blooms have naturalized and have grown somewhat invasive. As a result, they flourish primarily in villages and other sparsely populated places.

Tropical and subtropical locations are top-rated for growing touch-me-not flowers as ornamental plants.

Balsamina can be found in slightly above sea level environments to 3500 m. In tropical and subtropical parts of the world, this species is frequently grown as an ornamental in gardens. It has naturalized in uncultivated areas like grasslands, streambeds, roads, and other disturbed open areas. Additionally, it is a typical weed in wastelands close to settlements, homes, and cemeteries.

Source: Pinterest 

Balsam flower: Cultivation


Is Balsam a summer flower?

Balsam flowers bloom in summers, spring, and fall. They cannot tolerate cold temperatures and are instantly killed by frost. They thrive in warmer temperatures but can wilt in summer heat waves. They also prefer a little humidity but can survive drier air if the soil stays moist.


Is Balsam an indoor plant?

Balsam needs 3-4 hours of direct sunlight. However, it can also survive and bloom in partial shade. To grow it indoors, a south or east-facing location is the most suitable. In fact, it’s highly recommended to keep it indoors during the winters as it cannot tolerate even the slightest of frost.


Balsam flower: Benefits and uses

The Plant’s various parts are utilized as traditional treatments for illnesses and skin conditions.

Uses as food

The blossom, which can be eaten, is used as edible pansy-style decorations for cakes and cookies.

Leaves and young shoots – cooked, Raw, or cooked seeds. They are usually challenging to gather in large numbers because their exploding seed capsules disseminate the ripe seed at the slightest touch.

Medicinal benefits


Value to wildlife: 

 Attractive to bees, other insects, and nectar-eating birds.

Other uses:

Side effects of Balsam plant: Can balsam flower be eaten?

Due to their high mineral content, consuming these plants in significant quantities might be hazardous.

Raw food consumption in large amounts causes calcium oxalate to build up. As a result, orange stains appear when the stems or blooms are broken off. Deer only consume young seedlings or the newest shoot tips because the Plant uses this chemical to defend against grazing.

People predisposed to rheumatism, arthritis, gout, kidney stones, and hyperacidity should use extra caution when consuming this herb. 

Source: Pinterest 

Typical recognizing problem of I. balsamina

Garden balsam is generally free of pests and illnesses, but it occasionally gets aphids and cucumber beetles, which can be controlled with a horticultural oil like neem oil. I. balsamina is also susceptible to powdery mildew. 

Invasiveness and control

A particularly problematic invasive non-native plant in the Lake District, Himalayan Balsam smothers and displaces other native plants along riverbanks and lakeshores in large expanses.

After escaping from farming, Impatiens balsamina has naturalized in disturbed areas and semi-natural habitats, including secondary woodlands and forest boundaries. It can grow into dense stands in the forest’s understory, preventing native plant species from establishing seeds and germination. Both seeds and stem fragments are used for vegetative propagation, which is how they spread. Many tropical and subtropical islands are considered to have been invaded. 

Control: Using herbicides like 2,4-D, triclopyr, and glyphosate has been suggested. 


Garden Balsam’s meaning is “Impatience” or “Impatient for Love” in the Flower Language. Beautiful perennial or annual makes a great houseplant or summer bedding plant. Early in the summer, yearly plants begin to bloom, but perennial species do not. Perennial species, located in cooler climes, can bloom all year, and annual species start to produce flowers in the early summer. It is a simple plant to grow if given access to rich, organic soil. 

Garden balsam exploding seed heads efficiently distribute seeds around the garden, which is the most specific criticism. In addition, garden balsam tends to increase, making it a potentially invasive plant, especially in warmer climates with lengthy growth seasons. Before the seed pods develop, remove the spent blossoms to stop this spread. Balsam plants can improve the appearance of your garden layout. By getting colorful plants, you can enhance the appearance of your house. Buy plants solely from nurseries that carry new plants and gardening supplies like soil, fertilizer, etc. 


Is deadheading of balsam necessary?

Deadheading or removing seed pods as they develop will help balsam bloom continuously throughout the growing season. However, stop pulling the seed pods at least one month before your first typical frost to promote reseeding.

Is this plant still employed as a traditional remedy?

Yes. This Plant has many medical uses, particularly in Asia. Poultices formed by crushing the leaves and blossoms are used as a balm for burns and other skin irritations. It is less prevalent in western folk holistic treatment.

Do cuttings of impatiens take root in water?

Water can also be used to help impatiens root. We are employing this technique to impatiens cuttings root readily. First, clip off any lower leaves and insert the cuttings, up to a few nodes, in a glass or vase of water. Then, put it on a well-lit windowsill or another bright area away from direct sunlight.

Do balsam flowers have a scent?

Balsam plants add beauty and an unforgettable pleasant aroma to the garden when they are present.



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