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All about new National Pension Scheme (NPS) partial withdrawal rule

All about NPS partial withdrawal rule

January 30, 2024: The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) in a circular issued on January 12 allowed subscribers to make partial withdrawals from their accumulated pension wealth in the National Pension System (NPS) for specific purposes.

The authority has issued a master circular that will list out the new amended rules. It will be effective from February 1, 2024.


Purposes for which partial withdrawal is allowed

See also: NPS Login: National pension Scheme login explained


Who is eligible for partial withdrawal?


How to submit the NPS partial withdrawal request?

The subscriber, along with the withdrawal request should submit a self-declaration application that states the purpose for the withdrawal to the central recordkeeping agency through their respective government nodal office or point of presence, as the case may be. In case the subscriber is suffering from a disease as mentioned in the master copy, the withdrawal request can be submitted by the subscriber’s family member.


How can the partial withdrawal request processed and verified by the NPS?

The government nodal office who receives the withdrawal request will verify and then process the claim. The claim will be processed only on successful verification of the subscriber’s bank account.


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