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Best green bedroom design ideas in trend

10 Best green bedroom design ideas

Colour is one of the most crucial factors to take into account when creating a bedroom, and it sets the tone for all other design choices, including materials, patterns, window treatments, and carpeting. Colour selection should be prioritised in a bedroom in order to create a relaxing atmosphere.

The best advice we can provide you is to go green, whether you’re wanting to add colour and accessories to your bedroom or transform your boring space into a relaxing zone. The predominant colour of nature, green, can infuse your bedroom with a lot of excitement with even the smallest splash.

The styles and elements listed below are some of the best green bedroom design ideas.


List of top green bedroom ideas

Here are some of the most popular green bedroom designs to consider.

Green bedroom ideas #1: Green feature wall

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In a bedroom, where a flood of colour on all four walls could be too much, feature walls are a popular alternative. In order to provide a focal point, we typically advise picking the wall that your bed is positioned against.

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Green bedroom ideas #2: Green themed decor

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Green-complementing hues and furnishings look fantastic as bedroom accessories. You can choose bed frames, brass embellishments, lamplights, wall decorations, and more to lend a touch of elegance to your themed bedroom.

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Green bedroom ideas #3: Green painting gallery

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If your current bed frame is particularly simple, a gallery wall that surrounds your bed is a fantastic solution. To create a dynamic look, place modern or classic art pieces that contrast with the colour of the walls.

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Green bedroom ideas #4: Green maximalism

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Maximalism is the use of more of your favourite hues, materials, and accessories. Find a few common colours or patterns to repeat throughout the room to keep your design from appearing too haphazard. You can then add as much extravagance as you like to the room to make it feel more comfortable.

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Green bedroom ideas #5: Green furnishings

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The ‘beauty in simplicity’ design philosophy heavily relies on a single piece of statement furniture, such as a bed, bedside table, or chair. Make your room more detailed and aesthetically pleasing by adding one or more furniture pieces that complement the room’s prevailing colour scheme.


Green bedroom ideas #6: Bottle green themed room

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A bedroom painted bottle green will seem calming, energising, cosy, and refreshing. It is one of the most popular colours for establishing a cosy, tranquil atmosphere.


Green bedroom ideas #7: Lime green themed room

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Humans have traditionally connected the colour green to fertility, riches, and safety on a deeply primal level. For an energising spark, paint the four walls of your bedroom a vibrant lime green. You will experience peace and joy as a result.


Green bedroom ideas #8: Pastel green themed room

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Choose pastels if you prefer to mix a lot of various colours in your bedroom. They all have the same white undertone; thus, a variety of chalky pastel colours will always blend in harmoniously.


Green bedroom ideas #9: Tropical green themed room

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Without a tropical design theme, no round-up of eco-friendly bedrooms would be complete. A wall covered in tropical wallpaper, warm-toned pillows and cushions, and a dramatic chandelier will create a vacation-like atmosphere.


Green bedroom ideas #10: Teal green themed room

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According to colour psychology, teal combines the calming effects of blue with the upbeatness and healing properties of green, making it a fantastic choice for a bedroom.


Vastu for green bedroom design

When selecting a colour for a bedroom according to Vastu, it is important to consider what that colour symbolises. The colour green is associated with a perfectionistic, analytical thinker with a relaxed and calm vibe. If you want to channel those qualities, then green is the colour for you.

According to Vastu, green is the top colour choice for bedrooms for couples. Compared to other Vastu colours, shades of green provide relief and help promote ease and healing. If painting the walls green seems daunting, you can incorporate green vibes by adding green items like plants to the bedroom. Green is also believed to improve fertility, making it an excellent choice for couples.



Does green make a decent bedroom colour?

Green is undoubtedly the best colour for a bedroom. Green is the way to go if you want to create a restful, tranquil sleeping environment.

What are the colours that go with green?

It complements a wide range of hues, including vibrant hues of yellow, blue, pink, and other colours, as well as neutrals like brown and grey.

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