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BMC issues circular to limit pollution caused by construction sites

West Bengal asks construction firms to cover sites, to prevent pollution

September 28, 2023: In a bid to minimise air and environmental pollution caused by construction activities, the development plan department of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) issued a circular to be followed at all construction sites in its jurisdiction. Issued on September 15, 2023, stringent penalty and stop-work notices will be issued to errant developers.


According to the BMC circular, the entire project site’s periphery must install a dust or wind-breaking tin/metal sheets over 20-foot. Additionally, the entire floor and scaffolding must be covered with green cloth, jute cloth or tarpaulin. Finally, the construction site should be cleaned regularly.


Also, the circular mentioned that developers will have to avoid crushing and hammering of the debris on the construction site. The debris must be sprinkled with water so that they remain wet and not cause dust pollution. It is important for the developers to follow the water-fogging method while excavation, loading and unloading of construction material and activity. All these materials have to be stored in a demarcated covered area that is covered with tarpaulin.


A warning letter will be issued by the BMC on failure to comply with the regulations. A time period of one week will be given for rectification. On finding that no action has been taken post warning , penal action as per the provision will be taken, mentioned the circular.

See also: MCGM property tax Mumbai: Your guide to paying BMC property tax


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