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Wallpaper on Ceiling Trend Designs for Living Room

The much-anticipated return of wallpaper in the realm of interior design is long overdue. It is a style that will linger. In order to give their homes depth and texture, individuals have been turning more and more toward wallpapering in recent years. As a result, consider wallpapering the ceiling when looking through wallpaper patterns for your home. False ceiling wallpaper comes in a wide variety of designs. The current design trend is a dramatic ceiling set off by muted walls. The ease of installation and removal of wallpaper is its biggest benefit.


Types of ceiling wallpaper

  1. Pre-pasted wallpapers: There is adhesive on the back of pre-pasted wallpaper. To stick it to the surface, dampen it with a moist sponge to activate the adhesive.
  2. Paste-the-wall wallpapers: To hang paste-the-wall wallpaper, you must first apply glue to the wall or ceiling’s surface. The wet glue paste makes it simpler to paste the wallpaper into its final position, which is why many people favour this wallpaper.
  3. Peel-and-stick wallpapers: Most DIY enthusiasts and home designers love peel-and-stick wallpaper. This kind of wallpaper has a paper backing that conceals the adhesive, as the name would imply. Take off the wallpaper’s paper backing and smooth it into place as you go.

See also about: wallpaper design

Some ceiling wallpaper designs

Galaxies pattern

Illuminate your room by adding the effect of stars and galaxies to the artificial ceiling. This glittering false ceiling wallpaper not only improves the appearance of your space but also grabs guests’ attention. These false ceiling wallpaper patterns are ideal for adults and children to stargaze and wonder at the vast universe.

Source: Pinterest


Geometric pattern

Geometric patterns are highly valued in the field of interior design and have always been popular. False ceiling wallpaper patterns in geometric shapes give your room the required liveliness. However, before you wallpaper your false ceiling, take note of the colour combinations that are necessary and the desired aesthetic.

Source: Pinterest


Floral pattern

We all look for solace and relaxation in our bedrooms. Consequently, floral wallpaper is perfect for establishing a light atmosphere in your bedroom. Additionally, everyone loves flowers. They stand for peace, love, and beauty. The use of floral wallpapers is a clever method to enhance your space.  

Source: Pinterest


Clouds and Cartoons

A child’s favourite kind of room is brilliantly coloured and has gorgeous decorations all over it. But we consistently overlook the need to make the ceiling kid-friendly. A plain-looking ceiling can give the room a drab, uninteresting appearance. Covering your false ceiling with wallpaper patterns of birds, clouds, trees, cartoons, or anything else your kids would enjoy would give their room a fantastic appearance.

Source: Pinterest



People have always gravitated toward tropical motifs and prints. With the exquisitely printed wallpapers, you may give your room a Zen aesthetic. There are many different styles of printed false ceiling paper available on the market. Installing them in your master bedroom can help you express your artistic side.

Source: Pinterest



Which wallpaper is ideal for ceilings?

Choose removable wallpaper or peel-and-stick wallpaper if you anticipate getting tired of the design you've chosen. It can be a back-breaking effort to remove conventional wallpaper from the ceiling; it is difficult enough to remove it from the walls. Removable wallpaper is made to simply peel off, saving you the time and effort of scouring and steaming to break up the glue.

Does wallpaper cause termites?

No. Today's wallpapers are constructed of vinyl and other materials resistant to termites, insects, and bacteria. In reality, wallpapers may protect walls and ceilings from these pests and keep them away from them.

Does ceiling wallpaper make a room appear larger?

Lighter, pastel-coloured wallpaper is more likely to open up a space and boost the ceilings. Darker wallpaper frequently makes a room seem smaller than it is.

Why shouldn't the wallpaper be painted over?

The textures and patterns in the majority of wallpaper patterns may also be visible in the paint because of this. A patch of wallpaper may bubble or peel off as a result of the moisture in the paint, causing the wallpaper glue to loosen.

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