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Christmas gifts that you can give your loved ones

Christmas gifts that you can give your loved ones

It’s that time of the year when people hang stockings on the Christmas tree in anticipation of gifts from Santa Claus. Well, Santa or no, gifts is something that we can’t miss during this holiday season. Check out home décor gift ideas that you can give your loved ones.


Canvas wall art

Canvas paintings are evergreen. These hand painted ones are available across budgets which makes a huge difference to the home décor. Alternatively, you can gift printed frames if you have a nominal budget to work through.



Christmas themed throw pillows

You can gift Christmas themed throw pillows or cushions that will add to the home décor.


Source: Pinterest (Home Decor Ideas & Inspo)

See also: Tips to host a budget-friendly Christmas party


Throw blankets

Apt for this cozy season, throw blankets are a great gift.


Source: Pinterest (Etsy)


Scented candles

Candles are lovely elements that add to a home décor. Scented candles in various designs and fragrances can be gifted.


Source: Pinterest (Cella Jane Blog by Becky Hillyard)

Read also: How to hang lights for Christmas?


Dining table top décor

You can gift holiday themed table runners, placemats, coasters etc.


Source: Pinterest (HGTV)


String lights

You can gift fairy lights, lights with cute family photos, funky table lamps etc.


Source: Pinterest (



What is a Christmas gift list?

A Christmas gift list is a list that people prepare jotting the things they would like to have as gifts.

What are the various ornaments used to decorate Christmas tree?

You can decorate a Christmas tree using stockings, pine nuts, fairy lights, streamers etc.

What happens at Midnight Mass on Christmas?

During Midnight Mass on Christmas people sing hymns, carols etc.

What is midnight mass called?

The first mass is also called as angel’s mass.

What is the five gift rule?

The five gift rule is to gift someone what they want, what they need, clothes, books and something that you think they may need.

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