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Crown Of Thorns: Facts, How to Grow and Care Tips

Crown of thorns: Grow this perennial vine in your home

The crown of thorns (scientific name: Euphorbia milii) is a perennial vine in the family Euphorbiaceae. It can be found worldwide, including in Asia, Africa, and South America. It is a plant that grows in tropical climates. It is also known as the thorny acacia. 

The plant’s name comes from its thorny branches, which are covered in spines. The crown of the thorns plant produces fruit containing seeds that are eaten by animals such as birds, bats, lizards and rodents.

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Crown of thorns: Quick facts

Plant Name Crown of Thorns
Botanical Name Euphorbia milii
Genus  Euphorbia
Kingdom  Plantae
Clade Tracheophytes
Family  Euphorbiaceae
Life Cycle Perennial
Mature Size 3-6 Ft. Tall
Cultivation  Asia, Africa, And South America
Benefits Medical Uses

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Crown of thorns: Physical description 

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Crown of thorns is a perennial vine that grows to a height of up to 10 feet. The strong, smooth stems are covered in thorns, which can be up to an inch long. With an entire margin, the leaves are oval or lance-shaped and grow from the base of the plant.

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Crown of thorns: How to grow

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Crown of thorns plants are easy to grow. They need warm temperatures and lots of sunlight. They are fast-growing, so they need lots of room to spread out. They can get up to 6 feet tall. You have to keep them away from other plants because they can damage them with their sharp thorns.

Crown of thorns requires full sun, so you’ll need to find a place for it that gets plenty of sunlight all day. The best place to do this is in your backyard or garden if you have a sunny spot. 

Once you’ve found the right spot for the crown of thorns, prepare the soil by adding compost or manure into the soil so that it has good drainage and nutrients. Then add sand to help retain moisture, as well as an amendment such as bone meal or urea if you’re worried about drainage problems.

Now comes the time to plant your crown of thorns. Dig down about 3 inches (7 cm) and add one inch (2.5 cm) of composted manure or peat moss.

Plant your seeds in little holes about 2 inches deep and 1 inch apart with no space between them. This helps prevent weak spots in your plants.

Water regularly until your seeds germinate, then cut back on watering until the seedlings begin to grow leaves. 

When you bring your crown of thorns plant home from the store, do not plant it immediately. Instead, remove all dead leaves and stems first. Then soak its roots in water for five minutes before planting. Once planted properly, water regularly until you see new growth sprouting from the roots, usually within two weeks.


Crown of thorns: Maintenance tips

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There are many different parts of the world where the crown of thorns can be grown. It’s not as difficult to grow as other plants, but it does take some time and effort.

If you are interested in the growing crown of thorns, you should first decide whether you want to grow them indoors or outdoors. 

You should grow them indoors at a temperature between 16 and 25 degrees Celsius. You will also need a good amount of sunlight so that your plants can get enough light throughout their lives.

If you choose outdoor gardening, then make sure that your area has good soil conditions because this plant requires rich soil with lots of nutrients. The best thing about the growing crown of thorns outside is that they can grow quickly if given enough sunlight and nutrients from their soil.

Maintaining moisture in the soil is also important. This will ensure your plant stays healthy and thriving.


Crown of thorns: Uses

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There are some places where it is regarded as a weed, but it can be used medicinally. Crown of thorns is a very fast-growing plant, and it has very sharp thorns on its stem. These plants have been used for centuries as antiseptics, painkillers, disinfectants, and tonics.


Crown of thorns: Toxicity

The fruit is a berry with black seeds inside that are poisonous to humans if ingested. The fruit of the crown of thorns contains various poisons which cause inflammation in tissues. It can cause severe pain, bleeding, tissue death, and even blindness if prolonged exposure occurs.



Is the crown of thorns plant safe for pets?

The plant's milky white sap is toxic to humans and dogs. Dermatitis and irritation are caused by skin contact.

Can crown of thorns be used medicinally?

Latex has been used for medicinal purposes in the past, despite its poisonous properties. The Brazilians believe it can cure warts, while the Chinese believe it cures cancer.


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