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How to grow and take care of Desert Rose?

How to grow and take care of Desert Rose

Are you a novice gardener, looking for a houseplant, that is showy and awe-inspiring, at the same time easy to grow and maintain? A succulent that clearly fits the bill is the Desert Rose. Often found as Bonsai, the Desert Rose has many names: Impala Lily, Kudu Lily, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star, and goes by the botanical name Adenium Obesum. If you find the looks of this houseplant appealing enough, let us get started and know it in a better way so that you could have it soon. Unlike Rosa Chinensis, All parts of the Desert Rose are highly poisonous.

See also: Know more about climbing rose


Desert rose is sometimes planted as a live fence.


Physical description

Even though a slow-growing plant, it is cultivated as a garden ornament for its awe-striking flowers, and showy trunk. This shrub bears funnel-shaped 2.5-5 cm long flowers. The 5-lobed bell-shaped flowers can be white, pink, or red in colour. Apart from the flowers of this tropical succulent, its unusual caudex trunk, with bulbous and twisted appearance, get a lot of attention. Its ovate, sparsely scarred leathery leaves add to the intrigue of this sun-loving succulent. The deciduous Desert Rose can grow between 3 to 9 feet and spread between 3 and 5 feet.


Adenium Obesum, or bottle tree in bloom.


Adenium Obesum, or Desert Rose facts 

Closed up Adenium tree, or Desert Rose in flowerpot.

Botanical name: Adenium Obesum

Common names: Desert Azalea, Desert Rose, Impala Lily, Kudu Lily, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star

Family: Apocynaceae

Native: Africa, Asia, and Tanzania

Plant type: Succulent

Sun: Full exposure

SoilSandy, well-drained

Flower colour: Red, Pink

Bloom season: Summers

Watering: Moderate to low

Toxicity: People, pets

Poisonous: Yes

Read also: All about Alcea rosea


How to grow the Desert Rose?

You can grow the Desert Rose plant from seeds, or stem cuttings. In case, you are opting for the stem-cutting method, you should dry the cutting before planting it.

After planting it in a container, it requires full sun exposure to grow. The best time to plant a Desert Rose is spring.


Well-drained, sandy, and gravelly soil type is ideal for growing and potting the Desert Rose plant indoors.


Your plant would require full sun exposure, especially during the growing months of summer. On an average, 5-6 hours of full sunlight results into a healthy plant with flowers. However, provide it some protection against the intense sunlight during noon, especially during the scorching summers of India. 


Acclimated to naturally dry, desert-like conditions, the Desert Rose does not require too much watering. During the summers, watering would be more regular (when more than one inch of soil has dried). Remember, over-watering can kill the plant.


Adenium Obesum is also known as Desert Rose, Impala Lily, and Mock Azalea.


How to take care of the Desert rose?

The Desert Rose must be pruned and provided with fertilisers once in a month. It also needs to be re-potted every two years. You should use a bigger container every time you re-pot it. During the dormant winter season, the plant drops its flowers and foliage. It is a normal process.

Pests and infestation

Desert Rose is vulnerable to aphids, scale, mealybugs. Your plant can face fungal leaf spots, rotting of roots, and some other issues.


Desert Rose: Medicinal value

Blue tiger butterfly on pink flowers of Adenium Obesum.


As a traditional medicine in Africa, the Desert Rose is used for its antimicrobial, anticancer, antioxidant and antiviral properties. It is also known to be effective against venereal diseases, muscle and joint pains, skin diseases, ulcers and heart problems. It is considered as a rare endemic medicinal plant.

Read also: What are the medicinal properties of Sonchus Oleraceus?


How poisonous is the Desert rose?

All parts of the Desert Rose are highly poisonous. Consumption of any part could result in vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, depression, irregular heartbeat, and possibly death. Its toxic latex can cause dermatitis if it gets exposed to skin. The latex is used to poison arrows used for hunting. A decoction of the bark and leaves are used as a fish poison.


Scattered Azalea seeds from the pod.



Can Adenium Obesum be grown indoors?

Yes, Adenium Obesum can be grown indoors.

Is Desert Rose poisonous?

Yes, all parts of the Desert Rose plant are toxic.

Which is the best place to keep the Desert Rose?

If you are growing it indoors, keep the container at a place that receives full sunlight. For indoors, a south-facing windowsill may be the ideal choice.

When does the Desert Rose bloom?

The Desert Rose blooms during summer and spring seasons.

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