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Hotel Design Concept Location, Layout, Interiors and More.

Designing hotels: What are the important factors to consider?

Every building is distinguished by its architecture. By just looking at a beautifully designed building, people anticipate a refined and well-defined sense of style. This is especially true in the case of hotels. A hotel illustrates an articulation that encourages tourism and helps tourists understand the local way of life. Hotels are a reflection of the city’s culture and innovation and a place to seek out luxury. So, here are some major things to keep in mind before designing hotels.


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See also: Hotel room design ideas to draw in customers


Designing hotels: Concept

Understanding the narrative or concept is where designing should start because it helps in maintaining the uniqueness of the structure. Ensure that the hotel’s design, materials, and various features convey your vision, concept, source of design inspiration, and story.


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Designing hotels: Location and external factors

Another aspect to consider while planning a building is the site. One of the most significant considerations in hotel architecture and design is the surrounding environment. Analysing the site’s limits and potential and the variables that can impact the hotel building is crucial.

The exterior design of the hotel and how it interacts with the inside design should be heavily influenced by the environment outside. The building’s orientation and how the sun moves should be considered while designing a hotel. The site’s location will have an impact on the design as well. For example, hotels built close to an airport or train station will be constructed differently from those made close to hill stations or beaches. Similarly, hotels located in the heart of a busy city will have a different layout.


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Designing hotels: Layout

Studying and researching numerous sources and building codes is necessary for planning. The function of the spaces designated to public amenities, sports facilities, services, and administration must be determined. When we zone an area, we sketch a picture of its shape or how the space would seem. That is what creating a layout is all about. Private, semi-private, public, irregular, and semi-regular zones are allotted in the hotel.

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Designing hotels: Services

Since there is a shortage of space due to the growth of the urban population, vertical hotels are becoming increasingly popular. The service core design is the most challenging aspect of hotel design, particularly in cities like New York or Dubai. The service core with structural integrity is the most critical component of the structures. The building’s amenities shall include an electrical system core, plumbing system, HVAC system, fire staircases, escalators, elevators, and ramps.



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Designing hotels: Landscaping

Landscape design is a crucial component of architecture because it gives the physical setting meaning and preserves its natural beauty and cultural identity. Additionally, it maintains biodiversity and gives the building decorative elements.


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Designing hotels: Suitable materials

One must consider the accessibility of raw materials before putting the sketched-out ideas into action on the construction site. The materials’ quality and quantity are essential for the construction to last. The building materials improve the hotel complex’s architectural features and also provide thermal and visual comfort along with weather resistance.

Construction materials play a crucial role in making buildings durable. The climatic conditions are considered when choosing the material because they impact how quickly a structure will deteriorate. The hotel’s framework is based on effective building techniques, designs, and materials. When picking the materials for building a hotel, it’s advisable to make sure that they are readily accessible locally, economical, and practical. Using materials available close to the construction site is usually more convenient and inexpensive.


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Designing hotels: Flexible spaces

Hotels and resorts are evolving quickly to meet the needs of tourists today. They are built to provide essential functions while also ensuring the enjoyment of the visitors. Flexible spaces are created to serve as transitional places for particular functional areas. Most hotels are built around more versatile furniture that people use nowadays for a variety of purposes.


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Designing hotels: Interior design of hotels

The interior designs of the buildings/hotels serve as their initial impression and pique the clients’ interest. It draws people in and encourages them to remain and appreciate the hotel’s overall amenities. It is not just for aesthetic reasons. Interior design is what helps in creating a warm and hospitable environment for the guests.


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Designing hotels: Technology

The impact of technology on the hotel industry is tremendous. It improves the overall experience for everyone, from the visitors to the employees and the administrative department. The services that guests need can be conveniently accessed by the hotel’s managers and vice versa. For example, people use card key locks these days since they are convenient and provide easy access.


Designing hotels: Exterior design

The hotel’s culture and beauty are reflected in the façade. The theme of the hotel is based on this identity. A façade is a visual link between what the general public sees and the picture they mentally create. A hotels’ exterior design can be created in any colour, dimension, form, and composition. In addition to adding to the aesthetic appeal, the façade’s primary purpose is to protect the structure from the elements by providing thermal insulation, wind and fire protection, and architectural refinement.


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Designing hotels: Workmanship

The term “good craftsmanship” describes the skill set needed to carry out the strategy. It is essential for any hotel design. Understanding the craftsmanship and skill that is available locally is crucial because it makes the hotel effective and affordable. Executing tasks like painting, woodworking, building, lighting, carpentry, plumbing, etc., needs the correct kind of workers with the necessary expertise.


Designing hotels: Budgeting

Designing a hotel requires careful planning of the budget. A budget is a plan that accounts for all of the costs incurred from the beginning of the project until its completion. The initial financing should be evaluated, and the hotel should be planned with at least three months’ worth of working cash. The foundation of each project’s formation is finance. The administration and accessibility of cash are factors that should be carefully taken into account during the design process.


Designing hotels: Management

The standard of management available to oversee the hotel’s operations also affects its design. The hotel should be outfitted with cutting-edge equipment and modern technology depending on the availability of staff and the management’s calibre. Organisations and subject matter experts with experience in designing hotels include architects, interior designers, facility planners, civil engineers, and finance specialists. The proper distribution of resources at the appropriate time, location, and duration is a critical indicator of effective management. Effective management requires a clear vision, an objective strategy, and best practices. Additional managerial duties, like leading, directing, and assessing, are also included.



What does hotel designing include?

Hotel designing entails the drafting, planning, and design of hotels. Many styles of hotels have evolved throughout various countries.

Why is the design concept important?

The project's overall notion is represented via a design concept. It offers guidance to everyone involved from the preliminary conceptual design stage through construction. Additionally, having a clear and coherent design concept facilitates all the subsequent choices.

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