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Different types of stairs for home

List of 5 best staircase lighting ideas

Stairs are an integral part of any structure because they allow people to easily and safely access other floors. Almost every shape, size, and material may be used to create different types of staircases that serve their purpose and complement their surroundings. After reading this article, you will be more equipped to make the staircase design decisions that your house deserves.


10 different types of staircases

Check these 10 different staircase types you can choose from for your home.

Straight stairs

A set of straight stairs consists of one continuous staircase in one direction. It’s safe to say that they’re one of the most typical stair designs for homes and businesses alike. The structure’s bottom and top attachments are all required to hold the design aloft. The railings and handrails in this style are also quite simple to put in.


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L-shaped stairs

The stairwell in this layout angles sharply to the left or right after a landing. An L-shaped stair is essentially a straight stair with a turn at the halfway point. For this turn, a landing at the transition point is the norm.


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Spiral stairs

If you look at a spiral staircase from above, you’ll see that it makes a complete circle since the design revolves around a pole. They work well in compact homes like those found in the countryside or city.


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Switchback stairs

Switchback stairways are also known as halfback stairways or steps with a turn. A switchback stairwell has two sets of steps running in opposing directions, joined by a landing. A straight staircase would lack the aesthetic intrigue that this design provides.


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Circular stairs

These stairs are shaped like winders that radiate out from the center of a semicircle on a plain view. A circular stair is often installed at the main entrance to improve the building’s aesthetic.


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Bifurcated stairs

At the entryway, these steps are a characteristic element of contemporary aristocratic symmetric public buildings. At the landing, the stair’s broad first flight splits into two smaller flights, one that curves to the left and another that curves to the right.


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Curved stairs

Curved stairs use a helical arc. But their radii are substantially bigger, and they seldom form perfect circles.


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Ladder stairs

Access can be gained through the ladder staircase. They serve as a link between the kitchen and living areas in most houses. This is because they make efficient use of the little area available to them. Libraries, ports, and lofts are just a few other places where ladder steps might be useful.


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Cantilever stairs

The treads of cantilever stairs are intentionally designed to give the impression that they are not supported by anything below them. There will be an option to either conceal or show off the stair stringer, which will be fastened to the last step of the staircase.


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U-shaped stairs

U-shaped stairs provide a graceful and efficient way to connect two floors in a compact space. This design consists of two flights of stairs that turn 180 degrees, creating a U-shape. This configuration offers a seamless flow between levels while maximizing the use of vertical space. U-shaped stairs are a popular choice in homes with limited room for staircases, as they allow for easy installation along walls or in corners. With a central landing that provides a resting point, these stairs offer both functionality and aesthetic appeal, making them a versatile option for various architectural styles.

Source: Houzz (Pinterest)


Know about: dog legged staircase


What is a staircase, and what are its types?

The most important part of a building is its stairs. They're used to getting to different floors. Different kinds of stairs are used in commercial, residential, and industrial buildings, such as spiral stairs, dog-legged stairs, open newel stairs, etc.

Which type of staircase is most often used?

Straight staircases have only one straight flight of steps that don't go in any other direction. Straight stairs are the most common type of staircase in architecture because they are easy to design and build. But they take up more straight space and may not work with every floor plan.

What angle should stairs have?

Fixed stairs meet the standard if the angle between the horizontal and the rise and run of the steps is between 30 and 50 degrees.

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