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15 essential cleaning tools for home

Maintaining a clean and organised home is crucial for creating a healthy and comfortable living environment. To achieve this, having the right cleaning tools is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore a variety of must-have and essential cleaning tools that every home should have to keep spaces tidy, hygienic and welcoming.

See also: How to deep clean your house? What is the importance of deep cleaning?


Brooms and dustpans

A sturdy broom and dustpan are fundamental tools for sweeping away dirt and debris from floors. Consider a broom with synthetic bristles for versatility on different surfaces.



Mop and bucket

Choose a mop that suits your flooring type (e.g., microfibre for hardwood, sponge for tile) and a durable bucket for effective floor cleaning. Microfibre mops are great for trapping dirt and bacteria without the need for harsh chemicals.



Vacuum cleaner

An efficient vacuum cleaner is indispensable for removing dust, allergens, and dirt from carpets and rugs. Look for a vacuum with adjustable height settings for various floor types.



Cleaning clothes and sponges

Microfibre-cleaning clothes are versatile and effective for dusting and wiping surfaces without leaving streaks. Sponges with abrasive and non-abrasive sides are useful for tackling different cleaning tasks.



Scrub brushes

Invest in scrub brushes with varying bristle strengths for scrubbing surfaces like tiles, grout, and hard-to-clean areas. A long-handled brush can be useful for cleaning floors without bending over.




Feather dusters or microfibre dusters are essential for reaching high and low areas, as well as delicate surfaces. Extendable dusters can be handy for cleaning ceiling fans and light fixtures.



Trash bags and bins

Sturdy trash bags and well-designed trash bins are essential for proper waste disposal. Consider separate bins for recycling to promote eco-friendly practices.



Gloves and protective gear

Rubber gloves protect your hands from harsh chemicals, hot water, and allergens during cleaning. Aprons or smocks can prevent clothing from getting soiled.



All-purpose cleaner

An effective all-purpose cleaner suitable for various surfaces is a versatile and time-saving solution. Eco-friendly options are available for those seeking environmentally-conscious cleaning products.



Storage and organisation tools

Use caddies or storage containers to keep cleaning supplies organised and easily accessible. Labelling containers can help you quickly find the right tool for the task.



Window cleaning tools

Window squeegees, microfibre clothes and a streak-free cleaner are essential for maintaining crystal-clear windows and mirrors.



Toilet brush and plunger

Keep a toilet brush and plunger in the bathroom for regular maintenance and address clogs promptly.



Microfibre dusting wand

Ideal for reaching and cleaning narrow or hard-to-reach spaces, such as behind appliances or on top of shelves. The microfibre material effectively traps dust.



Lint roller

Perfect for quickly removing lint, pet hair and debris from clothing and furniture. An essential tool for maintaining a neat and presentable appearance.



Carpet spot cleaner

Useful for addressing spills and stains on carpets and upholstery. Having a spot cleaner on hand ensures that accidents can be quickly and effectively dealt with, preventing long-term damage.




Why are quality cleaning tools important for maintaining a clean home?

Quality cleaning tools are essential for effective and efficient cleaning. They ensure thorough dirt and germ removal, contributing to a healthier and more comfortable living environment.

What type of broom is suitable for different flooring types?

Synthetic bristle brooms are versatile and work well on various surfaces. Choose a broom that suits your flooring type for optimal cleaning performance.

Why is microfibre a preferred material for cleaning clothes and mops?

Microfibre is highly effective in trapping dust and bacteria, providing a thorough and streak-free clean. It's also durable, reusable, and can be used with or without cleaning chemicals.

How often should I replace my vacuum cleaner bags or filters?

Check your vacuum cleaner's manual for specific recommendations. In general, replace bags and filters regularly to maintain optimal suction power and filtration efficiency.

What are the advantages of using eco-friendly all-purpose cleaners?

Eco-friendly cleaners are safer for the environment and often healthier for household occupants. They typically contain fewer harsh chemicals, reducing the risk of skin irritation and respiratory issues.

How can I prevent odours in my trash bins?

Use sturdy trash bags, empty bins regularly and consider using odour-absorbing products like baking soda or specialised trash bin deodorisers.

Are there specific cleaning tools for pet owners?

Yes, lint rollers and vacuum cleaners with pet hair attachments are useful for pet owners. Additionally, consider a carpet spot cleaner for addressing pet-related stains.

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