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How to grow and care for Flaming Katy aka Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana?

How to grow and care for Flaming Katy aka Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana?

Want to add more colour to your home while increasing its green cover? The Flaming Katy, with its abundant and colourful flowers, could be the way to go. This perennial succulent plant is an apt choice for the Indian climate as it requires warm weather to grow.

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Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana is a genus of succulent plants of the Crassulaceae family. Of African origin, it is also known as the Flower-of-Fortuna or Kalandiva.


Flaming Katy: Facts

Common name: Flaming Katy, Christmas Kalanchoe, Florist Kalanchoe, Madagascar Widow’s Thrill

Botanical name: Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana

Family: Crassulaceae

Type: Perennial

Native: Madagascar

Sun: Full/partial

Soil: Well-drained acidic sandy soil

Water: Moderate

Toxicity: Toxic for cats and dogs


Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana is herbaceous that is a widely cultivated houseplant of the genus Kalanchoe, native to Madagascar.


Flaming Katy: Description

The plant’s glossy, green, fleshy leaves are opposite, obovate and sessile. About 5 to 10 cm long, the leaves are slightly smooth-edged. Its small, four-petalled flower, found in many colours, is grouped and borne on long stems. Each head carries 20-50 flowers.

Equally popular as a potted indoor plant and a garden ornamental, the Flaming Katy is a succulent shrub that is native to Madagascar. While the average growth is restricted to 30-45 cm, in favourable circumstances, the plant can grow up to 1.5 feet wide and tall.

A plant with an extremely high commercial value, the Flaming Katy is the most-grown flowering potted plant in Europe.


Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana leaves.

Known about: Pericallis Hybrida

Flowering season

Typically, the plant starts flowering in December and continues to flower for 6-8 weeks. In some countries, the plant is known to flower all around the year.


Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana is also known as Flaming Katy because of its beautiful, bright orange, long-lasting flowers. This plant does well in a low-light, indoor setting after blooming flowers.


How to grow?

The plant can be propagated from seeds as well as cuttings. To plant from a cutting, mix equal parts of potting mix with cacti mix for best results. Else, opt for a clay pot. Keep the pot in bright light but don’t water it. Within a month, the stem would form a root. Growing from seeds would take double the time. Yet, if you go that way, sow the seeds on the surface of the potting mix in early spring. Leave the seeds uncovered since they require light to germinate. Placing the container in a plastic bag would help them germinate. It would take nearly two months for the seeds to transform into seedlings. After this, transfer them into individual pots.


The perfect bunch of Flaming Katy flowers.





Mildew, mealy bugs, mites and scale insects can infest the plant, impacting its growth. Watch out for these natural enemies of the plant.


Medicinal value

Studies have proven the plant to carry anti-viral, anti-septic, anti-microbial, anti-plasmodial, anti-oxidant, air-purifying and disinfectant properties. Various parts of the plant are used in treating oral cavity diseases, ear, nose and throat diseases, pressure ulcers, sunburns and freeze burns, skin diseases, warts, ischemic ulcers and varicosity.


Yellow Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana against a woven background.

Also read about the medicinal benefits of the Dandelion



Is the Flaming Katy flower/plant toxic?

Yes, the Flaming Katy flower/plant is toxic for animals.

What are the risks of growing Flaming Katy flowers/plants?

It is an invasive species. It has turned out to be so in countries like Dominican Republic, Chile and the Galapagos Islands. In these countries, it has escaped from cultivation and displaced native vegetation.

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