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How to grow and care for Garden Roses?

How to grow and care for Garden Roses

But he who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose, goes the famous saying. Apart from its deep-rooted philosophical interpretations, its literal connotation also acts as a caution for those who desire roses. Nevertheless, gone are those days when garden roses were difficult to grow. With the availability of new disease-resistance plants, cultivating roses in your garden may not be as difficult as it was earlier. In this article, we would discuss every little detail about cultivating garden roses in your home.

All about: Floribunda Rose



Rose plants: Types and varieties

The centuries-old rose, which goes by the botanical name Rosa genus, has over 300 species of woody flowering perennials, with thousands of varieties being cultivated.


See also: Tips for designing a house garden


What are garden roses?

Hybrid roses that grow in private or public gardens have been given the nomenclature of garden roses. Garden roses are the most popular plants cultivated in any garden, especially in countries with temperate climate.

Modern garden roses are multi-generational hybrid cultivars, with little resemblance to their actual ancestors. While roses continue to enjoy the status of exclusivity, garden roses have come within the reach of a common man.


Garden roses: Main varities

Some of the most popular categories of garden roses are:

Hybrid tea roses

Grandiflora roses

Floribunda roses

Polyantha roses

Miniature roses

Shrub roses

Climber roses


See also: Lucky plants for the home: Plants that bring money and good luck


Garden roses: Preparation



See also: Balcony garden: Design ideas and plants for homes in India


Garden roses: Plantation techniques

Foundation planting

For any landscape, garden roses are an integral part. Mix them with other flowers and shrubs to create a unique garden look.




New-age climbers would grow and blossom along with your fence horizontally, changing the look and appearance of your house.



Garden roses in containers

For modern flats and apartment owners, the idea of having garden roses is not far-fetched with newer cultivars that can be easily grown in pots and containers in balconies, patios and decks.



Vertical gardening

You do not have to go with conventional arrangements to grow garden roses. Vertical gardening is possible, with trellises and climbing roses.



See also: Terrace garden ideas for your home



The climbers of rambling rose category would provide a unique look to your entryway.




The shrub roses would make any pathway look extraordinary.



Also read all about evergreen trees for home garden


Pergola of roses 


Garden roses: A bouquet of colours

This brightly coloured flower exists in a variety of colours. Red roses are an ultimate display of love. Other colours signify feelings such as the bond of friendship, gratitude, joy, peace and beauty.

Deep Pink Rose


Blue Rose


Blueberry-Violet Shrub Rose


Rhapsody-Blue Rose

Yellow roses


White roses


Orange roses


Garden roses: Maintenance

It is the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important, said Antoine De Saint Exupéry.




Can you be allergic to roses?

While it is not common, some people may experience a variety of mild physical discomfort in various forms when coming in cotact with roses or rose plant. This may manifest itself through:

  1. Sneezing
  2. Runny or stuffy nose
  3. Itchy or watery eyes
  4. Skin rash or hives
  5. Itchy throat
  6. Coughing



What is the most common garden rose?

The bush rose is the most common garden rose.

What are the various categories of roses?

From an ancestry point of view, roses are categorised into three groups – wild roses, old garden roses and modern garden roses.

Do all rose plants have thorns?

While all varieties of wild roses have thorns, some modern garden roses do not have thorns.

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