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New door design ideas to add style to your home

What would a house look like without doors? No way! No matter how big or little a house is, a well-designed door is necessary to finish the construction. It serves as a guard to deter unauthorised incursions and a gateway for entering or leaving the house. 

You may isolate yourself from the outside world and enter your personal space by simply closing ready made doors.

Despite being essential components of a structure, home door designs are frequently disregarded and ignored. Many people commit the typical error of using random wooden or metal slabs as doors, endangering your safety. 

In this post, we’ll explain the many types of ready made doors that are available on the market, their functions, and their specific details.


Choosing doors for home: Factors to consider


Here are some crucial pointers to help you choose the ideal ready made doors for your house without too many hassles:




Contemporary door designs to enhance your home

Here are some incredible door design ideas for enhancing the overall look of your home.


Fresh door designs for a modern look

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Here is a contemporary door that was created just for residences in the current day. This door’s traditional wood grain appearance will give your guests a stylish welcome. Due to its size and density, it is perfect for entry points. The panelled, contemporary door design has a push hinge to open and close in addition to an internal locking system.

Entrance door designs

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Take a look at this stunning entrance door design that will surely impress your guests. The large door showcases your distinctive individuality and affluent taste. Tiny holes have been drilled into the thick oak door to improve ventilation and lighting into the inside. For more seclusion, you might choose to cover these apertures with frosted glass panels.

Bedroom door designs

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Our privacy from the rest of the home is protected by a bedroom door. Here is an example of an interior design that uses glass and wood panels to enhance the attractiveness of your home. When necessary, a hinged door that opens inward gives access to the chamber. The colour of the wood may also be altered to match the overall motif.

Newest sliding door designs

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see also about: Glass door

This contemporary sliding door offers more room than a conventional hinged door. Along with improving convenience, the wooden barn door improves your home’s visual appeal. The door works well even in tiny flats because it doesn’t take up much room within the room.

Glass door designs

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This beautiful glass design is intriguing and may be used as a stand-alone piece of furniture. This frosted glass’ imaginative pattern might make it appear as though there is a far-off forest within your house. The glass is strong enough to withstand any trauma-related breaks. It may be installed in your living area or as an entrance door.

French door designs

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A French Patio door is a terrific option if you want to have fun in your garden or backyard. French doors are made to add light, which is great for houses that are dark. They are frequently used as exterior doors and composed of glass panels arranged in various designs to impart an air of elegance.

Best wooden door designs

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Nothing matches the elegant and opulent appearance of a wooden door. Your property may seem majestic with this genuine teak wood, Indian door style. With routine maintenance, it provides exceptional strength and performance and lasts for a very long period. For even more glitz on the outside, you may add two glass side windows.

Door frame style

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For the door to be supported and balanced in its position, a door frame is necessary. Its design can be utilised to enhance the appearance of your door. Take a look at this teak wooden door frame for your entrance, which is tailored to the entry’s size. The jambs and lintels aren’t left plain; instead, tinted glass is used to decorate them for both aesthetic and practical reasons.

Designs for flush doors

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Flush doors include chemical treatments to withstand moisture and insect damage. They typically have a solid or hollow core and are constructed of wood. Due to its usefulness, flush doors are ideal for interior doors and bathrooms. These doors come in a variety of shapes and patterns, so you can pick one that matches the decor of your home.

Simple folding door designs

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Bifold doors, which have multiple doors joined together by hinges, are another name for folding doors. You can opt to fully unfold them to widen the entryway or to fully close one of them to minimise access. Due to its simplicity of use and need for little maintenance, folding doors are ideal for both interiors and exteriors.

Louvre door designs

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With louvred doors, you may enjoy your isolation without being concerned about stale air in the space. To allow for unrestricted ventilation, these doors include horizontal wood or other material slats. They are perfect for interior use, especially in enclosed spaces like closets, pantry rooms, or storage facilities. Louvre doors also provide the impression that the room is big.

Panel door designs

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Panel doors are one of the most affordably priced doors and have a number of benefits. They are strong and easy to assemble. Usually, horizontal and vertical panels of wood are used to construct these doors. This door, which is made of Teak wood, has a distinctive style. Both your interior and exterior points may use this.

Bathroom door designs

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Using a wooden bathroom door may absorb moisture, causing the wood to swell. Because of this, professionals advise installing a PVC door that is both attractive and useful. This door, which is made of polymer fibres, repels water and keeps everything dry and clean. A variety of patterns and styles are also available for you to select from.

Metal door designs

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Using a metal door is not only affordable, but it is also popular in the present day. Wrought iron was used to create one of the metal doors shown here. The design and features of this strong door have a gothic feel to it. The door serves as a fantastic protection to your entrance point by preventing people from entering due to its higher strength.

Window door designs

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Doors are crucial for your windows as well as your rooms. A window would just be a hole in the wall without a door. Window doors provide various benefits in addition to keeping the house secure, such as ventilation, views, and air. A model of a hinged, double-open door with a lock is shown here.


New door design: Materials used

These days, plenty of materials are used to create doors for homes and offices. Some of the commonly used materials include:

Solid wood

Solid wood is one of the most commonly used materials for building doors. Made from timbre, solid wooden doors are quite eco-friendly and radiate an unmatched charm and elegance.


Similar to plywood, blackboard is a kind of engineered wood that consists of several dense layers of wood shavings, which are pressed together with great adhesion. It is a highly durable and sustainable option for door designs.


Glass doors are also a charming option for door designs in modern homes. In addition to exuding contemporary vibes, glass doors serve as a great way of maximising natural light in the home. 


Steel is quite tough and durable, serving as a great material for new door designs. It’s a great alternative in regard to safety and privacy. However, it’s prone to dents that are difficult to fix.


New ideas for styles of door designs

 Some of the most loved door styles in modern homes include the following.

Single door design

This style of door designs is the most popular for small and medium-sized Indian homes. This simple and elegant door style is the best fit for small spaces. 

Double door design

This style of door design uses two doors instead of one. It adds more grandeur and majesty to the look of the entire house. It’s a great idea for large spaces or big houses. 

Sliding door design

This style of door design is less common in Indian homes but adds an aura of modernity and style to any space. Operating on sliding door gear mechanism, the doors can be built from both glass and opaque materials as per your preference. 

Folding door design

Usually meant for large spaces, this style of door design is also known as the accordion design and features multiple panels that neatly pleat into the door’s edge. These door designs look fabulous and instantly elevate the style quotient of a house.


New door design: Vastu tips for main door of the house

Here are some Vastu tips regarding a home’s main door to follow:

– East-facing door: Wood
– North-facing door: Iron or metal
– West-facing door: Iron or metal
– South-facing door: Mental and wood



What use do ready made doors serve?

Readymade doors link various rooms in your home as well as your interior space to the outside world.

What distinguishes internal from external doors?

For internal use in a home, interior doors are created. They are substantially lighter to use and come in a standard size. On the other hand, exterior doors are strong and long-lasting. They are made to withstand frequent wear and tear and changes in the environment.



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