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Heliconia Psittacorum: How to grow and care for it?

Heliconia psittacorum: Facts, physical description, how to grow, maintain, uses and toxicity

Heliconia Psittacorum is grown as an ornamental plant all over the world. It can be used to add colour and beauty to your garden and can serve as the centrepiece of your yard. You can also grow Heliconia Psittacorum indoors if you want to enjoy it year-round.  It is found in many different countries, and it produces beautiful flowers that are a joy to behold. So, read on to learn how to grow and care for Heliconia Psittacorum plants in your garden. 

What is Heliconia Psittacorum?

Heliconia Psittacorum is a tropical plant that belongs to the Heliconiaceae family. It is one of the most common and beautiful plants in the world. It is native to the Americas, especially Central America, where it is commonly found in areas with high humidity and temperatures ranging from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius. Lobster claws, parakeet flower, toucan beaks, wild plantains, and false birds of paradise are common names for the genus. Their close resemblance to bird-of-paradise flowers (Strelitzia) has given them the name of false birds of paradise. They are collectively referred to as Heliconias.


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Heliconia Psittacorum: Key facts

Botanical name Heliconia Psittacorum
Common name Parakeet Flower
Genus  Heliconia
Clade Tracheophytes
Order Zingiberales
Family  Heliconiaceae
Life cycle Perennial
Mature size Up to 3-4 m tall
Cultivation  Tropical America
Benefits Medicinal Uses

Heliconia Psittacorum: Physical description

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Heliconia Psittacorum can grow up to 3 metres tall. The flowers of this plant only last for a few days, which makes it one of the shortest-lasting flowers in the world. It comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. It also comes in different colours: green, white, yellow, red, orange or pink (depending on the species). Some varieties of Heliconia Psittacorum are very small, others will grow up to 4 m tall.


Types of Heliconia Psittacorum

There are many different varieties and cultivars of Heliconia Psittacorum to choose from. These include:

When purchasing, make sure the botanical name is Heliconia Psittacorum if you want to be sure of buying this plant


Heliconia Psittacorum: How to grow?

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Heliconia Psittacorum is a tropical plant that can be found growing in the canopy of trees in Central America. It is easy to grow, but it needs to be aware of its environment. Light and humidity are essential for its growth.  Heliconias are also susceptible to pests such as mealybugs and scale insects.

Heliconias prefer warm temperatures around 26 degrees Celsius and should be kept in bright light. They need lots of moisture during their growing season and should be watered regularly throughout the day until they are fully grown. Once they start blooming, they will require less water than before because their leaves will be open more often during that time period.

How to grow Heliconia Psittacorum from rhizomes?


Heliconia Psittacorum: Care tips

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The plant can be grown indoors or outdoors. It prefers warm temperatures, between 16°C and 27°C, but it will tolerate cooler conditions as well. The soil should be moist but well-drained so that the roots do not rot. It requires full sunlight to grow well, so place your pot in a spot with plenty of sunlight throughout the day.

It is simple to take care of Heliconia Psittacorum. All you need to do is provide it with enough light, consistent irrigation, and fertilisation every few weeks with a balanced fertiliser that contains both nitrogen and phosphorus.


What are the uses of Heliconia Psittacorum? 

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Is Heliconia Psittacorum toxic?

Heliconia Psittacorum is considered poisonous and if parts of the plant are ingested, it might lead to nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting. So, if you do plant a Heliconia Psittacorum in your garden, make sure it’s out of reach of the kids and pets.



What's the most effective way to care for Heliconia Psittacorum?

Heliconias need bright light and regular watering, but don't overwater them. Heliconias shouldn't stand in water, and the soil should almost dry out between waterings.

How are Heliconias used in homes?

The growth of Heliconias makes them a suitable choice for creating a screen between properties, especially in the summer.

Should Heliconias be pruned?

Heliconias do not require pruning, since they have pseudostems made up of rolled leaves, and their flowers arise from their tops.

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