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How to add more appeal to a white bathroom?

white bathroom

White is the preferred colour for bathrooms for most people. Not only is it a versatile and safe option, it also acts as a neutral backdrop for any kind of decor theme you would like to incorporate. However, a plain white space, if not properly decorated, might seem to lack character and look unappealing. So if you wish to make your white bathroom look more interesting, we have curated some simple decor tips you can incorporate into your arsenal to achieve a bathroom that reflects your personal sense of style and expression. 

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Colour pops

Contrast the white backdrop by incorporating pops of bold colour. Go for towels, rugs and accessories in colours like blues, greens or yellows. One such style you can opt for involves vibrant teal towels coupled with shower curtains featuring lush tropical motifs that stand out against the white backdrop.

Source: Pinterest @stylecuratorau


Statement mirror

An interesting mirror can significantly boost the personality of any room. Look out for mirrors with a unique frame design or shape. Alongside creating a bold and eye-catching focal point, mirrors can reflect light more evenly to make the space look larger. You can opt for a large, ornate mirror for a statement piece or more sleek and modern varieties for a sophisticated touch.

Source: Pinterest @decorpad


Artsy accents

Add visual interest to the white walls of your bathroom by putting up artworks or prints that resonate with your style. Pieces with bold colours or abstract designs act as perfect statement pieces against white walls. Alternatively, for a serene ambiance, nature-inspired motifs are recommended. Remember, when styling a white space, brighter is better!

Source: Pinterest @mariakillam


Lush greenery

For a refreshing space, consider incorporating plants such as ferns, spider plants or peace lilies that can thrive in the low-light and humid conditions of the bathroom. Place them in decorative pots or hanging planters for greenery and texture and watch your bathroom come to life! Alongside creating visual interest, these plants also help purify the air.

Source: Pinterest @coco_theblog


Texture mixture

Incorporate an eclectic mix of textures to create a dynamic space. From soft textiles and bath mats to decor accessories like woven baskets and ceramic vases, the possibilities are endless. This is an easy way to add depth and visual appeal to the bathroom and make it feel more inviting and cosy.


Lighting layers

A stylish light fixture can go a long way in enhancing the overall design aesthetic of the bathroom. For a warm and inviting ambiance, consider layering the lighting in the bathroom by incorporating different sources such as overhead lights, wall sconces and scented candles. You can even incorporate dimmer switches to adjust the brightness for different moods.


Tile tales

While choosing tiles for the floor or accent walls, make sure to opt for coloured or patterned ones to add personality to the space. You can transform your white bathroom into a stylish retreat that reflects your personal style by incorporating the right tiles. From simple geometric patterns to Moroccan-inspired designs, there’s something for everyone.

Source: Pinterest @karenschrav


Unique hardware

Add more character to your white bathroom by upgrading cabinet knobs, handles and faucets featuring distinctive designs and finishes. For a modern look, you can go for brass or matte black hardware while vintage-inspired designs bring a sense of nostalgia. This can prove a cost-effective and low-effort way to refresh your bathroom.

Source: Pinterest @dodge_cabinets


Open shelving

Display decorative items such as baskets, jars and plants on open shelves to add personality and ensure functionality. Consider installing floating shelves for ease of maintenance and to keep the space decluttered. For enhanced visual interest, mix and match items of varying heights and textures. Do not forget to keep everyday essentials handy and accessible.

Source: Pinterest @decorpad


Vintage vibes

Vintage or antique elements infuse a unique charm into the bathroom. Think clawfoot tubs, pedestal sinks and ornate mirrors to make the most of this aesthetic. It is recommended to check out flea markets, antique shops and online marketplaces in order to find what’s perfect for you.

Source: Pinterest @QuietJoyAtHome



Why should I consider adding colour to my white bathroom?

Adding colour to your white bathroom adds a sense of warmth and personality and prevents it from feeling bland.

How can I choose the right colours for my white bathroom?

Considering your personal taste and the existing decor, you can go for bold contrasting colours like blues or greens or softer pastel hues such as pinks or greys.

What are some budget-friendly ways to add interest to a white bathroom?

Colourful accessories like towels and rugs, DIY projects like wall painting and repurposing vintage items are some budget-friendly ways to upgrade your bathroom.

How can lighting impact the ambiance of a white bathroom?

Lighting helps add warmth and depth to the space. Layering different lighting sources is a good solution for white bathrooms.

What are some creative ways to add texture to a white bathroom?

Towels, textiles, bath mats and decorative accessories like woven baskets and ceramic vases can help add texture to the bathroom.

What design principles should I keep in mind while decorating a white bathroom?

Balance, proportion and harmony are some principles you should consider to achieve a cohesive look for your white bathroom.

How can I ensure a clean and cohesive look for my white bathroom?

For a clean and cohesive look, keep the space clutter-free and incorporate items that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Regular cleaning and maintenance is essential to keep the space fresh and hygienic.


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