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How to calculate false ceiling price?

Master bedroom false ceiling design ideas for your home

A roof over your head, food in your stomach, and inner serenity; are the only requirements for a happy life. But it pays to have an aesthetically pleasing ceiling! Yes, we are discussing fake ceilings. The days when the fifth wall was an unimportant element of your home are over. 

Most modern homeowners now choose artificial ceilings that complement their interior design. But before committing, you should have a clear understanding of how much false ceilings can cost. This resource provides information regarding the costs of false ceilings.


What variables influence the price of a false ceiling?

Multiple factors affect the cost per square foot of a false ceiling. These consist of the following:


How do you measure a false ceiling to determine the price?

Before estimating the price of a false ceiling, you must first measure the area of your ceiling. Here are the steps necessary to calculate the cost per square foot of a false ceiling:

Does the price vary from city to city? If yes, how so?

The cost of artificial ceilings per square foot in Bengaluru may vary significantly from that in Mumbai. The cost of building a false ceiling varies from location to location. This is due to two primary factors: the cost of labour and the cost of the materials needed to construct the artificial ceiling. The costs of labour and raw materials might vary from location to area. 

Consequently, the fake ceiling cost per square foot can vary by 10 to 15% between cities.


What is the initial price for a POP false ceiling?

Plaster of Paris, or POP, is one of the most prevalent fake ceiling materials in Indian homes. This white powdered plaster that sets quickly is versatile and can be used to create distinctive designs. While a POP artificial ceiling will have a beginning price, the price will increase based on the customisations you choose.

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What is the initial price of a false gypsum ceiling?

Gypsum is another artificial ceiling material that is quite popular with homeowners. Gypsum is not only an energy-efficient soft natural mineral, but it also possesses sound-absorbent properties, making it an ideal material for use in urban areas. However, because a gypsum false ceiling might take up a few inches of height, it should only be installed in areas with tall ceilings.

Source: Pinterest


See also: False Ceiling Design: Choose the Right One for the Bedroom


How much does a false wooden ceiling typically cost?

Wood is the only material that is perennial as trends come and go. Traditionally, most Indian homes have a white ceiling, but new homeowners are opting for a hardwood false ceiling design to offer a sense of warmth. Depending on the design you choose, one of the primary benefits of a hardwood false ceiling is that it may be both historic and contemporary.

Now that you are aware of the price, you can choose a design that you adore.

Source: Pinterest



What is the price of a false ceiling?

The fake ceiling pricing per square foot ranges between Rs 84 plus GST (gypsum) to Rs 975 plus GST (wooden).

Which false ceiling is most affordable?

The cheapest false ceiling design in India is the standard gypsum false ceiling design. The cost of a Gypsum false ceiling per square foot is between Rs 84 and Rs 95 plus GST.

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