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How to check the status of your SC/ST/OBC Certificate

In India, there are several castes. Your caste can be officially established with the use of a caste certificate. It is a piece of documentation you may use to support your claims of caste membership. 

For people who fall under the “Scheduled Caste,” “Scheduled Tribe,” or “Other Backward Classes,” this document is crucial since it enables them to take advantage of several government programmes.


The procedure for acquiring SC ST OBC certificate

A caste certificate can be obtained offline or online. Here is the procedure for application for sc/st/obc certificate. 

Applying online

Applying offline

Caste certificates are also available offline. The steps are as follows:

See also: OBC Scholarship: Types, list of scholarships available, and how to apply

SC ST/OBC certificate: Documents needed

Additional evidence to support the scenario

There are several exceptions where you’ll need to provide further documentation verification. The following list includes all the documentation required in each scenario:

Case 1: A relative’s caste certificate and genealogical affidavit with the relative’s relationship should be produced if there is no proof of the father’s caste.

Case 2: If a lady is married,

Case 3: If the applicant is from another state or district, that state’s or district’s qualified authority must give the applicant’s father’s caste certificate.

Case 4: In the case of religious conversion, caste documentation must be provided as needed prior to conversion.


How can you check your application for SC/ST/OBC certificate status?

Let’s say you’re a member of West Bengal’s Scheduled Tribe (ST), Scheduled Caste (SC), or Other Backward Class (OBC) group, and you’ve requested a new caste certificate. The status of your filed application should be checked in that situation.

Likewise, if you or anybody else who already has a certificate wishes to check its specifics or status. You may learn how to check the status of a caste certificate by reading this article.

For sc/st/obc certificate status check, follow these steps:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3


How can you apply for a certificate of caste validity?

The state determines the duration of a caste certificate’s validity. Typically, a caste certificate is valid for the entirety of a person’s life. However, in other nations, their duration of validity is constrained. How to Apply for a Caste Validity Certificate is as follows:



What is the cost of requesting a caste certificate?

Each state has a different fee for acquiring a caste certificate. This sum might range from Rs 10 to Rs 500.

How is a caste certificate sent to someone who applies for one online?

Applicants can check the status of their applications using the same site after submitting them online. In addition, the certificate may be downloaded immediately from the website if it is approved.

Where may a caste certificate be used?

These circumstances call for the usage of a caste certificate: · Enrollment in schools · Entry into colleges · Contested tests · Scholarships · Funds provided by the government · Housing and self-employment programmes

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