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How to check voter ID card details online?

Voter ID is an important document because it is essential to vote in elections. A valid voter ID card is required for all eligible citizens. If you have previously applied and wish to check the status of your voter card application, you must track the voter ID status using your reference ID. You can follow the status of your EPIC application if you have filed it and are waiting for it to be issued. The service is available on ECI’s official service portal.

Previously, applicants had to visit a relevant office to learn about the status and updates on their application. However, applicants can now follow their voter id status via the internet, toll-free number, and SMS service. Everything is done online in this fast-paced society because it saves time. It is no longer necessary to stand in a long line to apply for or voter ID check the status. You may now check your voter ID card details online in a few seconds.


What is a voter ID card?

A voter ID card or an election card is a photo identity proof issued by the Election Commission of India to an Indian citizen eligible to cast his/her vote. A voter ID card, also called a voter registration card, serves as a proof of one’s citizenship, making a person eligible to cast a vote in India. 


Why is a voter ID card essential?


Check your voter ID card details online

Step 1: Go to the Electoral Search website.

Step 2: On the website’s homepage, you will see two alternatives for obtaining your information. The first technique is to enter your Epic Number, while the second is to search using your personal details.

Step 3: If you select the first option, you must input your epic number, state, and the security code presented on the screen before clicking “search.” Your information will be displayed on the screen if you are a registered voter.


How to find voter ID card details online if you do not find them on the electoral search page?

If you cannot find your information on the Electoral Search page, try visiting your state election website. Every state in India has a website where voters’ information is saved.

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