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How to clean gold jewellery at home?

Over time, gold jewellery can lose its lustre. But, you can easily restore the brilliance of your gold jewellery with a few simple steps right from the comfort of your home. Cleaning gold jewellery at home not only saves you time and money but also allows you to maintain your treasured pieces with care. 

Source: Pinterest (Cluse)


Why must you clean gold jewellery?

Regularly cleaning your gold jewellery is essential to preserve its appearance and value. Here are a few reasons why you should make cleaning a part of your routine:

Restoring lustre: Over time, gold jewellery can accumulate dirt, oils, and residue from beauty products, resulting in a dull appearance. Cleaning helps remove these impurities, restoring the natural shine and radiance of your pieces.

Preventing tarnish: Gold jewellery can tarnish, especially when exposed to air, moisture, or certain chemicals. Cleaning helps prevent tarnishing and keeps your jewellery looking pristine.

Hygiene and allergies: Cleaning removes bacteria, germs, and allergens that may accumulate on your jewellery, ensuring it remains hygienic and safe to wear.


Steps to clean gold jewellery

Source: Pinterest (Ondeane Lourens)


Prepare a cleaning solution: Mix a few drops of mild dish soap or liquid jewellery cleaner with warm water in a bowl. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the gold.

Soak the jewellery: Place your gold pieces in the cleaning solution and let them soak for 15-20 minutes. This allows the solution to penetrate and loosen dirt and grime.

Gently scrub: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or a jewellery cleaning brush to gently scrub the jewellery, paying extra attention to intricate details and crevices. Be gentle to avoid scratching the gold surface.

Rinse thoroughly: Rinse the jewellery under running water to remove any soap residue and remaining dirt. Ensure that the drain is closed or use a mesh strainer to prevent accidental loss.

Dry and polish: Pat dry your jewellery with a soft, lint-free cloth. For added shine, use a jeweller’s polishing cloth or a microfibre cloth to gently polish the gold surface.


Precautions while cleaning gold jewellery

Check for loose stones: Before cleaning, inspect your jewellery for any loose stones. If you notice any, avoid soaking or scrubbing the piece, as it may further loosen or dislodge the stones.

Avoid excessive force: Use gentle pressure when scrubbing to prevent scratching or bending delicate parts of the jewellery.

Avoid harsh chemicals: Harsh chemicals and cleaners can damage the gold and any gemstones. Stick to mild dish soap or liquid jewellery cleaners specifically designed for gold.

Handle with care: Always handle your gold jewellery with clean hands to avoid transferring oils, lotions, or dirt onto the surface.

Store properly: After cleaning, store your gold jewellery in separate compartments or soft pouches to prevent scratching and tangling.



Can I clean all types of gold jewellery the same way?

Yes, the cleaning process is generally the same for most gold jewellery pieces, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.

How often should I clean my gold jewellery?

It is recommended to clean your gold jewellery every few months, or more frequently if you wear it regularly.

Is it safe to use an ultrasonic cleaner for gold jewellery?

While ultrasonic cleaners can effectively clean gold jewellery, they are not suitable for all types of jewellery or gemstones. It's best to consult with a professional jeweller before using an ultrasonic cleaner.

Can I wear gold jewellery while cleaning or swimming?

It is best to remove gold jewellery before cleaning or swimming, as harsh chemicals, Chlorine, or saltwater can cause damage or tarnishing.

What should I do if my gold jewellery is heavily tarnished?

If your gold jewellery is heavily tarnished, it is advisable to seek professional cleaning services from a reputable jeweller.

How do I store my gold jewellery to keep it clean?

Store your gold jewellery in separate compartments or soft pouches to prevent scratching. Avoid exposing it to air, moisture, or direct sunlight, as these can lead to tarnishing or discolouration.


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