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How to deal with frauds by property dealer?

How to deal with frauds by property dealer?

Buying a property is an important investment and most people put in their life savings in it. So, one should be cautious while making an investment in the real estate sector amid a lot of frauds being registered due to fake listings, fake documents, etc. Homebuyers, who become victims to such frauds by property dealers, face money loss and mental stress. Moreover, homebuyers who take a home loan from banks should pay EMIs, resulting in mental harassment and stress. How can one prevent such frauds and what should be done if a person becomes a victim to such frauds by property dealers? This guide gives you a detailed insight.

Check these tips to avoid being tricked by real estate agents while buying property


What kind of frauds a property dealer can do?


What to do if you are victim of frauds by property dealer?


How to prevent a property fraud from happening? POV

Be very careful and ensure due diligence with the help of certified professionals like lawyers before proceeding with money transactions. Do not get tempted by the offers given by fly-by-night agents. There are many cases be registered, such as a recent one in which Bombay High Court has issued order to demolish an illegal building in Ghansoli, Navi Mumbai. So do not get trapped by putting money in projects that have not been approved.

If you have doubts in any such deal, stop immediately, check, and start taking corrective measures by lodging a complaint and taking help from legal experts.



How to identify property frauds?

Check for sale deed, mother deed, encumbrance certificate, the cost of property among others to identify the property- related frauds.

What is the most important thing to do before buying a house?

Do a thorough due-diligence before buying a house. Get even the slightest of doubts cleared before making transaction.

Is it safe to approach any property dealer?

No. Only go for those property dealers who have reputation and have been in the field for a long time.

Should you opt for cash transactions when purchasing a property?

No. Avoid cash transactions and opt for cheque or bank transfer that get recorded.

Can you file a case with RERA for property frauds?

Depending on the details, you may file a case with the RERA of your state for property-related frauds. (Some states accept cases of projects that are not RERA registered.)

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