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Fighting air pollution: How to deal with poor air quality?

8 important tips to protect yourself from poor air quality

The air quality in many Indian cities, such as Delhi and Mumbai, has considerably worsened, with the air quality index (AQI) rapidly climbing above 300 in various locations. High air pollution levels can cause various respiratory illnesses like asthma, bronchitis and chronic obstructive respiratory disease. Poor air quality has been strongly linked with a higher risk of various health conditions. For this reason, it is vital to follow precautionary measures to keep yourself safe from rising air pollution levels. Here are a few tips to follow for staying safe amidst dropping air quality.


Avoid stepping out

During periods of poor air quality, it’s best to limit outdoor activities. If possible, stay indoors to reduce exposure to pollutants. Keep doors and windows closed, and use air purifiers to maintain a cleaner indoor environment.

Source: Etsy (Pinterest)


Exercise indoors

Opt for indoor exercise options like home workouts or going to a gym with good ventilation during poor air quality days. Indoor exercise helps minimise the intake of harmful pollutants present in the outdoor air.


Wear a mask when outdoors

When it’s necessary to go outside in polluted air, wearing a mask can provide some protection. Keep in mind that not all masks are helpful. N95 or N99 respirators are effective at filtering out fine particulate matter and harmful gases.



Take a healthy diet

A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can help strengthen your immune system. Consuming foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts can provide your body with the nutrients it needs to combat the adverse effects of poor air quality.


Boost indoor air quality

Improve your indoor air quality by using air purifiers, ensuring good ventilation, and maintaining a clean living space. Houseplants, such as spider plants and peace lilies, can also help purify the indoor air. Additionally, avoid smoking indoors and minimise the use of products that release indoor pollutants.


Install an air purifier

Consider investing in a high-quality air purifier for your home. Air purifiers can help remove harmful particles from the indoor air, including dust, allergens and pollutants, improving the overall air quality in your living space.


Maximise ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality. Open windows and doors whenever possible to allow fresh air to circulate through your home. Additionally, use exhaust fans in areas like the kitchen and bathroom to remove indoor pollutants.



Improve the air quality of your car

Ensure your car’s air conditioning and ventilation systems are in good working order. Regularly replace the cabin air filter, and consider using a car air purifier. Avoid idling your car in an enclosed space, and roll down your windows when driving to increase air circulation. This will help minimise exposure to pollutants while on the road.


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