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How to grow and care for Acer Negundoaka aka Box Elder?

One of the kinds of maple that are indigenous to North America is Acer Negundo, often known as the Box Elder, Box Elder Maple, Manitoba maple, or ash-leaved maple. It is a short-lived tree that has opposing leaves that are compound and grow very quickly. 

It is a species that has been imported and has since become naturalised across a significant portion of the planet, including South America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, a significant portion of Europe, and certain regions of Asia.

Source: Pinterest


Acer negundo: Key facts at a glance

Family Sapindales
Scientific Name Acer negundo
Common Name box elder maple, Manitoba maple, ash-leaved maple
Native Area N. America – Nova Scotia to Florida, west to California and Manitoba.
Soil pH 6.5-7.5
Maximum Height  70ft
Sun Exposure Partial and full sun shade

Acer negundo: Features


Acer negundo: Growing tips


Acer negundo: Maintenance tips

Acer negundo: Uses


Edible uses

Source: Pinterest



When it comes to age, how old can box elders be?

60 (rarely 100) years of age.


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