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How to measure kitchen sinks?

Replacing a kitchen sink can be done as part of a bigger remodelling project or on its own. Whether you are remodelling the entire kitchen or only replacing the sink, you must first take measures to ensure that the new sink is the proper size. Here is how to take the correct sink measurements.


Sink measurements: Steps involved


Gather tools

One doesn’t need much equipment to measure a kitchen sink, but it’s a good idea to gather everything you’ll need ahead of time so you know you have it. The following tools are required to measure a kitchen sink:


Prepare the sink and cabinet

When replacing a sink, one must take into account more than just the sink itself. One should also measure the cabinet underneath. Before you begin, make certain that the sink is clean and empty. One should also empty the base cabinet beneath the sink so that accurate measurements may be taken.


Measure the sink

The sink’s measurements must be at least three: length, width, and depth. The width of the sink is measured from the back of the sink, where the tap is, to the front, and this is the direction you should measure it in. The length is measured from the left to the right side of the sink.

Since the side of the washbasin normally curves somewhat, one can’t just set your ruler or tape measure up along the side to measure the depth. The sink’s deepest point is somewhere in the middle. Lay a level or a straight-edge ruler across the sink to acquire an exact measurement from bottom to top.


Determine sink type 

If someone is familiar with the various sorts of sinks, you can probably tell just by looking. If not, you must first understand the many types of sinks to identify what you have:

The type of sink you have has an impact on how you collect measurements. For example, with a drop-in sink, one measures to the rim, whereas with an under-mount sink, you measure to the opening’s edge. Because of the exposed front of the apron sink, one must take additional measurements.


Measure cabinet space

If you want to install a larger sink than you now have, you may need to increase the cabinet space as well. If you plan on installing a sink of the same size, measuring the cabinet will tell you if it will fit. In either situation, measuring the cabinet is critical.

When measuring the cabinet, depth and width have varied meanings. Starting from the back, measure along the bottom to the front of the cabinet to determine its depth. The cabinet’s width is measured from the left to the right edge. Because there is normally a slight margin of counter space along the edges of the sink, subtract four inches from the cabinet’s width and one inch from its depth to determine the sink width.


Measure cutout

So far, one can take the necessary measurements while the sink is still in place. To measure the cutout, or the hole in the counter where the sink will go, first, remove the present sink. As a result, this should be one of your final steps.

The dimensions are taken in the same manner as the sink, although they vary based on the type of sink you have. The under-mount sink cutout should be the same size as the sink itself. Because a drop-in sink has a lip that rests on the counter, the cutout should be somewhat smaller than the sink’s specifications.


Confirm accuracy

The accuracy of your measurements is critical to the success of the project. To ensure that the measures are precise, take them at least twice.



What if the sink has an irregular shape?

Measure the widest and deepest points.

How to measure the sink’s rim?

Measure from the outermost point to the countertop’s edge.

Is the faucet included in the measurements?

Yes, measure from the faucet’s outer edge.

How much clearance is needed around the sink?

Leave at least 2-3 inches of countertop space on all sides.

What if the sink has curved edges?

Measure along the curved path at the widest and deepest points.


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