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How to perform Rudrabhishek pooja?

Ancient Hindu writings mention Rudrabhishek, a ritual that dispels the bad energies surrounding you, repents past misdeeds, and promotes the soul’s spiritual development. A Rudrabhishek puja is performed to please Lord Shiva, the destroyer. Devotees give Lord Shiva a sacred bath with numerous puja items, flowers and other offerings during this ritual.  Another essential element of the ceremony is the recitation of the the Rudrabhishek mantra: ॐ नमो भगवते रूद्राय  (Om Namo Bhagavate Rudraya) Shiva’s 108 names are chanted during the Rudrabhishek puja.


What is Rudrabhishek puja?

Rudrabhishek puja is a Vedic Hindu Ritual where Lord Shiva is worshipped in his Rudra form and given a sacred bath, along with flowers and holy materials, while his 108 names are chanted. The ceremony is performed to please the deity and eliminate evil forces and bring prosperity in the house.


What are materials needed for Rudrabhishek puja?

Devotees perform the Rudraabhishek puja on Mahashivratri. The following materials are required for the puja:

Flowers Ghee Panchamrit
Incense sticks Curd Rose water
Camphor Honey Sweets
Bel Patra Clove, Cardamom Ganga Jal
Supari Holy ash Fresh milk


Different Rudrabhishek pujas

There are six distinct forms of Rudrabhishek that devotees can perform. Vedic literature states that every form of Rudra Abhishek has unique significance and blessings. We have listed below the six types of Rudrabhishek Puja at home for different benefits.


Jal Abhishek: If the worshipers perform Rudrabhishek with Gangajal, their wishes will come true.


Dudh Abhishek: Rudrabhishek performed with cow’s milk bestows followers with longer lifespans and offers protection against serious health problems.


Shahad Abhishek: Performing Rudrabhishek with honey bestows blessings of fortune, making life simpler and happier for the worshippers.


Panchamrit Abhishek: Raw cow’s milk, honey, ghee, curd, and sugar are the five components that makeup panchamrit. The devotee gets wealth, riches, and prosperity after doing Rudrabhishek using panchamrit.


Ghee Abhishek: Devotees are shielded from illness by performing Rudrabhishek, which involves ghee-pouring on a Shivling.


Dahi Abhishek: Rudrabhishek helps couples who are experiencing difficulties conceiving a child with curd.

Procedure of Rudrabhishek puja

The time needed: 1 hour and 30 minutes.


Know how to do Rudrabhishek puja at home:


The ritualistic bathing of the Linga with milk, honey, yogurt, and butter is the first step of the Abhishek.


After that, Rudraksha, flowers, and Bel Leaves are used to decorate the Shiva Linga.


By reciting the Laghunyasam with the Rudraksha beads, the priests perform the Rudrabhishek puja.


The Shivopasana Mantra is then chanted for all-around protection from evils.


Then comes the chanting of Lord Shiva’s 108 names. Ashtottara Shatanamavali is another name for it.


After that, Sri Rudram, found in chapters 16 and 18 of the Yajur Veda, is recited. Everyone must remain silent and pay attention to the mantra and slokas during the Puja. Additionally, reciting Sri Rudram purifies the atmosphere.

Who should perform Rudrabhishek?

Whoever should perform Rudrabhishek Puja is listed below:

When should you perform Rudra Abhishek puja?

Monday is usually considered the best to perform this ritual. Shivratri is one of the well-known days when devotees get ready for Rudra Abhishek by presenting Jal and prasad to Lord Shiva and reciting Rudrabhishekam mantras. The optimum time to perform the Rudra Abhishek puja is during the month of Shravan, which is a time of great devotion. 


Rudra Abhishek Puja vidhi


Pandit prepares the asanas for Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati, other gods and goddesses, and the Navagrahas. Before beginning the Puja. To ensure the Puja’s success, Ganesh is worshipped, and the Lord’s blessings are sought. Additionally, the devotee chanted the Sankalp for the purpose of the Puja.

The nine planets in this order, Mother Earth, Ganesh, Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Brahma, Ganga Maa, Lord Surya, and Lord Agni, are a few universal deities that are worshipped during pujas. Shivling is placed on the altar with preparations to catch water flowing from the idol during Abhishek after the Puja has been performed.

Finally, Pandits offer the Lord special meals and do aarti. The Pandits offer Ganga Jal for drinking and sprinkle it on the devotees after collecting it from the Abhishek. All sins and illnesses are wiped off. During this Puja, people continuously chant “Om Namah Shivaya.”

Samagri for Rudra Abhishek puja


Abhishek is pouring water on the Shiva Lingam. If individuals repeatedly chant the Veda Mantra while pouring water on the Shiva Lingam, that is Rudra Abhishek. To do Rudrabhishek puja at home, you need the following Samagri:

A Kumkum Packet

A Packet of Incense Sticks

25 Betel Nuts

Four Bouquets

10 Coconuts

1 Towel or 2 Yards of Fabric

2 Litres Milk

1 Bottle Paneer

1 Packet of Turmeric Powder

1 Packet of Sandalwood Paste

1 Packet Camphor

2 Garlands

12 Bananas or five other varieties of fruits

2 Garlands

1 Small bottle of Honey

2 Cups Yoghourt

See also about: Rangoli

Rudrabhishek Puja benefits



Can we do Rudrabhishek in the evening?

Yes, it can be done in the morning as well as evening.

What is the cost of Rudrabhishek?

It is nearly Rs 1,000-5,000.

On which day can we do Rudrabhishek?

The Pooja is done mainly on Shravan Somvaar, Mondays, or the occasion of Mahashivratri.

Can ladies do Rudrabhishekam?

This ritual is typically performed by unmarried girls, women, and men for a healthy and happy life, wealth, and a good life partner, to mention a few.

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