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How to remove ink stains from clothes?

How to remove ink stains from clothes?

Discovering an uncapped sketch pen staining the sleeve of your favourite shirt can feel like a nightmare. Traditional washing and drying methods would prove ineffective against such stubborn ink blots, leaving you in need of alternative solutions. Here are some effective techniques to remove ink stains from your clothes at home.

Note: Different types of ink stains require specific treatments. Ensure to use the method that suits the type of ink best. It is recommended to test any ink-removal method on a small patch of the garment first to avoid damaging the entire fabric.

See also: How to dry clean clothes at home?


Ballpoint pen ink stain: How to remove it?

Things needed:

Removing a freshly smeared ballpoint ink stain from a cloth is a straightforward process. Here’s what you can do:

This method works best on fresh ink as it is easier to remove the stain before the fabric absorbs it completely.



Permanent marker ink stain: How to remove it?

As the name suggests, the ink of a permanent marker is made such that it stays forever. Thus, it may be difficult to remove them using home remedies and may require a professional laundry service. But before you end up spending all that money, try the process of removing ballpoint ink.


Felt tip pen ink stain: How to remove it?

Felt tip inks are more stubborn than normal ballpoint ink and may take more time in getting removed. However, they are not impossible to remove from your clothing.



Things required:

Process to remove



Ink stain on leather garments/bags: How to remove it?


To remove ink stains from leather garments or bags, dab rubbing alcohol on the stain and wipe it. You may also use leather protection cream to remove the stains.



Is it possible to remove ink from your cloth once it’s washed and dried?

Yes, you may remove ink stains using rubbing alcohol. If you cannot remove the stain, try stronger stain-removing solutions available in the market.

Does the usage of rubbing alcohol damage the clothes?

While using rubbing alcohol in small portions may not damage the clothes, using it regularly may tear the garment.

In addition to rubbing alcohol, what are the other things that can be used to remove ink stains?

You may use alcohol-based products, such as hand sanitisers. Additionally, options like toothpaste and vinegar could be used to remove lighter ink stains.

What if the ink stain remains even after trying the various methods?

If the DIY methods do not work, give your clothing to a professional cleaner.

Can a hairspray be used to remove ink stains?

Yes, an alcohol- or ammonia-based hairspray can be used to remove ink stains.

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