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How to view and download NREGA job card list Madhya Pradesh?

You can view and download your NREGA job card online on the official portal of the MNREGA. In this guide, we will understand how to view your name in the NREGA job card list online. Also, understand the process to download your Madhya Pradesh NREGA job card.

See also: How does NREGA job card look like?

How to find your name in Madhya Pradesh NREGA job card list 2023? 

Step 1: Go to NREGA official website. Copy and paste the following link in your browser to access the official website:



Step 2:  On the home page, you will find the option Quick Access when you scroll down. Click on it.



Step 3: Next, select State Reports.



Step 4: On the next page, a list of states will appear. Click on Madhya Pradesh.



Step 5: On the next page, select your district.



Step 6: On the next page, select your Block.



Step 7: On the next page, select your Panchayat.



Step 8:  On the next page, under Job Card/ Registration, click on Job Card Employment Register option.



Step 9: The list of NREGA Job card holders in Madhya Pradesh will appear along with the job card number. Scroll down to find your Madhya Pradesh job card.



The names in this list are colour coded. Names mentioned in

Green means Job Card is active with photograph and employment availed.

Gray means job card with photograph and no employment availed.

Sun Flower colour means Job Card without photograph and employment availed.

Red means Job Card without photograph and no employment availed.


How to download your Madhya Pradesh NREGA job card? 

Step 1: Go to NREGA official website. Copy and paste the following link in your browser to access the official website:



Step 2:  On the home page, you will find the option Quick Access when you scroll down. Click on it.



Step 3: Next, select State Reports.



Step 4: On the next page, a list of states will appear. Click on Madhya Pradesh.



 Step 5: On the next page, select your district.



Step 6: On the next page, select your Block.



Step 7: On the next page, select your Panchayat.



Step 8:  On the next page, under Job Card/ Registration, click on Job Card Employment Register option.



Step 9: The list of NREGA Job card holders in Madhya Pradesh will appear along with the job card number. Scroll down to find your Madhya Pradesh job card.



Step 10: Click on the job card number to view your Madhya Pradesh NREGA job card.



Step 11: The job card will appear on the screen along with all the details.



Click here to view and download NREGA job card list in other states.


What if your name is not in the job card list despite registration? 

In case you have applied for NREGA job card in Madhya Pradesh, but your job card is still not visible in the list, you can see if it is pending for verification.

Step 1: Go to NREGA official website. Copy and paste the following link in your browser to access the official website:



Step 2:  On the home page, you will find the option Quick Access when you scroll down. Click on it.



Step 3: Next, select State Reports.



Step 4: On the next page, a list of states will appear. Click on Madhya Pradesh.



Step 5: On the next page, select your district.



Step 6: On the next page, select your Block.



Step 7: On the next page, select your Panchayat.



Step 8:  On the next page, under Job Card/ Registration, click on Pending Job Card to be Verified option.



Step 9:  You will see the complete list of pending Madhya Pradesh NREGA job cards in the list. Reasons will also be mentioned why the job card was not issued.




Who can apply for NREGA job card registration?

A household with adult members willing to find unskilled employment under the MGNREGA may apply for registration.

What is the frequency of Job Card registration?

The frequency of the job card registration is throughout the year.

Who should apply for a job card on behalf of a household?

Any adult member can apply for a job card on behalf of a household.

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