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How to wash clothes by hand?

Cleaning clothes by hand may appear out of date in an age of advanced washers and dryers, but there are a variety of reasons why this expertise is passed down through generations. Understanding how to wash clothes by hand might be a lifesaver if you’re travelling or living somewhere without access to a washing machine. Some outfits employ wire boning and dissolvable dyes, which can be compromised or cause damage to other clothes inside the washing machine. Hand washing such garments works well in this scenario. 

Source: Pinterest (Good Housekeeping) 


Things needed to wash your clothes

Bucket/tub/sink: This can be used to hold the water and clothes during washing. Make sure it’s large enough to hold the amount of laundry you’re washing.

Detergent: Use a detergent made exclusively for hand-washing garments. Regular washing detergent might be overly strong and cause fabric damage.

Stain remover: If the stain is stubborn, you may be required to pre-treat the garment before washing it.

Fabric softener: This will help your garments feel softer and smell better after washing.

Clean water: You’ll need lots of clean water to rinse your garments once they’ve been washed.

Fabric scrubber/brush: To scrub stains out of the fabric. 

Each of these items is critical to ensure that your garments are washed effectively and without harm. To prevent harming your clothing or leaving residue on them, use the appropriate quantities of detergent and fabric softener.


Steps to wash clothes 

Sort your clothes

Source: Pinterest (Wayfair Canada) 

Sorting your clothing will keep colours from leaking into each other and will protect fragile textiles. To prevent bleeding, darker hues should be handled separately from light colours, and delicate textiles like silk and lace should be cleaned separately from tougher materials like denim and cotton. You may also organise your garments by the amount of dirt or stain kind to ensure that extremely filthy items receive particular care.



If you want to get rid of stains on your clothes, you can pre-treat the stains by applying a stain remover with a soft bristle brush and leaving for 20-30 minutes( or as instructed by the manufacturer of the stain remover). Avoid vigorous rubbing.

Fill a basin or sink halfway with warm water. To the water, add a tiny amount of mild detergent. For four litres of water, use roughly a tablespoon.

Source: Pinterest (Oh Sweet Basil) 

Place the clothes in the basin or washbasin and gently swirl them to ensure that the soap is distributed evenly. Allow the garments to soak for around 5 minutes. Allow up to 30 minutes of wait for extremely dirty items to soak.

You can rub the clothes against each other or simply on a textured slab, followed by scrubbing the tough stains with a scrubber or a toothbrush. Make sure the detergent emulsifies while rubbing.


Rinse and dry 

After you’ve completed hand-washing your garments, make sure to completely rinse them to eliminate any residual soap. Rinse your garments in cold water since hot water can harm the fibres and cause shrinking. To assist in eliminating any soap residue, fill a clean basin or sink with cold water and add a tablespoon of white vinegar.

Source: Pinterest (One Good Thing by Jillee) 

To begin drying your garments, carefully wring out the extra water. Take care not to twist or squeeze the cloth too tightly since this might cause damage. Instead, gently press the cloth between your palms to remove any excess water. 

After removing as much water as possible, hang your garments to dry. Hang them outside to dry if possible, as this will help to disinfect and sanitise them naturally. Wet garments should not be ironed.



When should I prioritise washing my clothes with my hands?

Hand washing is perfect for fragile fabrics, products with intricate detailing, or outfits requiring extra care. It's also handy when you're on the go or have a tiny load that doesn't necessitate using the washing machine.

What equipment do I need to hand wash clothes?

A clean basin or sink, mild detergent appropriate for hand washing, clean water, stain remover, scrubber/soft bristle brush, and a drying rack are all required.

How do I get my garments ready for hand washing?

Begin by sorting your garments by colour and fabric type. Any special instructions should be found on the care labels. Any stains should be pre-treated with a stain remover or by gently rubbing a tiny amount of detergent directly on the area of concern.

Is sorting necessary before hand-washing clothes?

Yes, sorting garments is essential if you want to prevent your light-coloured clothes from getting stained due to dark-coloured garments.

How should I rinse my clothing after hand washing them?

Fill the basin or washbasin with clean water after draining the soapy water. Gently agitate the garments in the water to get rid of any leftover detergent. If required, repeat the rinse process until the water runs clean and there is no soap residue.


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