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Top 10 kitchen renovation tips for your home improvement project

Top 10 kitchen renovation tips for your home improvement project

Every home renovation endeavour comes with its own set of challenges. However, revamping the kitchen can be demanding and expensive. It is not just about the aesthetics. You also need to navigate appliance choices, address plumbing considerations and tackle storage issues. Given that the kitchen is the heart of a home, the renovation process becomes crucial. Exploring kitchen renovation ideas allows you to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of the space.


Useful kitchen renovation tips to try

Plan in advance

In an ideal scenario, finding alternative accommodation during a renovation is recommended; although reality often differs. If you remain in your home throughout the project, meticulous consideration of the logistics is essential. Due to the time-intensive nature of kitchen renovation, the creation of a temporary kitchen in spaces like the dining or laundry room is inevitable. Make the most of this challenge. Anticipate potential delays and factor in an additional 10-20% to the contractor’s initial estimate for a realistic timeframe for project completion.


Don’t compromise with functionality

Maintaining a functional design should be the top priority. Regardless of the chosen renovation style, it is crucial to ensure that the kitchen remains highly functional to avoid post-renovation issues. Focus on layouts, storage requirements, appliance placement and dedicated spaces for various essentials. Don’t forget to allocate space for trash bins, ensuring that every aspect of the kitchen serves a practical purpose to enhance usability and convenience.


Prioritise accessibility

Opt for a ground-floor plan that positions the drawers, oven and shelves at accessible heights. Lowering the countertop height and ensuring ample space for walkways ease movement for individuals using wheelchairs, strollers or walkers. A kitchen remodelling endeavour provides an ideal opportunity to prioritise accessibility, particularly if your home wasn’t designed with such considerations.


Pick out the appliances beforehand

From refrigerators and dishwashers to ovens, microwaves, cooktops and more, appliance costs can vary significantly. They constitute a major portion of your renovation budget. The appliances you choose will influence the overall layout and design of your kitchen. To streamline the process and ensure cohesive planning, make decisions about your appliances at the beginning of your project.


Focus on efficiency

When planning the kitchen layout, carefully assess how and where you use various kitchen items. Organise cabinets to store breakfast foods and bowls near the breakfast table and position foil, containers and plastic wrap close to a work surface. Locate flatware and dishware near the dishwasher. By enhancing the efficiency of your kitchen, you streamline tasks and create an enjoyable and functional space.

See also: How to choose the best kitchen storage cabinets for your home?


Keep kitchen clearances in mind

In your kitchen remodelling plan, adhere to standard clearances for key appliances. Allow 15 inches of countertop on both sides of a cooktop and refrigerator. Ensure the sink is surrounded by at least 24 inches of counter space on one side and 18 inches on the other. Create a 15-inch landing zone on all sides of the microwave to facilitate easy access. By maintaining these clearances, you optimise functionality and ensure a well-designed kitchen space.


Choose a focal point

Avoid overwhelming your kitchen with bold backsplash tiles, intricate floors, oversized range hoods, vibrant cabinets and busy countertop patterns. Opt for a focal point in your kitchen design and enhance that area with subtle, visually appealing details. By keeping the rest of the surfaces simple, you achieve a balanced and harmonious look in your kitchen.


Be mindful of upkeep

When contemplating kitchen remodelling ideas, don’t overlook the importance of upkeep. Thoughtful design choices can simplify cleaning tasks. Opt for glass refrigerator shelves to capture spills that wire shelves may allow through. Choose flush-set or under-mount sinks that eliminate crumb-catching rims. Matte finishes are more forgiving of dirt compared to glossy ones. Before making material selections for your kitchen, assess their cleaning implications to ensure a practical and low-maintenance space.


Think about lighting

While kitchen lighting is frequently treated as a secondary detail, it deserves to be a top design consideration as the intensity and style of your fixtures significantly impact the atmosphere. Go beyond overhead lighting in the kitchen. Integrate pendants over countertops for task lighting and wall sconces near the range for added ambience. Consider accent lighting to showcase open shelving or illuminate under cabinets, effectively brightening even the darkest corners of your kitchen.


Embrace sustainability

Ensure your love for the kitchen lasts by creating a sustainable space that goes beyond enduring style choices. Opt for long-lasting cookware, invest in energy-efficient appliances and incorporate recycling and compost bins that can be discreetly stored. Designate a kitchen cabinet for reusable containers, bags and paper storage. Explore eco-friendly paint options and choose floor mats crafted from 100% recycled plastics. By adopting a green approach, your kitchen remodel enhances its aesthetic appeal and contributes to a more environmentally conscious and responsible living space.



What is the first step in planning a kitchen renovation?

Begin by assessing your needs and goals. Identify your desired layout, budget and the specific features or appliances you want.

How can I maximise space in a small kitchen during a renovation?

Opt for multifunctional storage solutions, utilise vertical space with shelves and choose compact appliances. Customised cabinetry can maximise storage.

What are the latest trends in kitchen design for 2024?

Current trends include open shelving, bold colour choices, sustainable materials, smart technology integration and the incorporation of natural elements for a modern and inviting feel.

How can I ensure that the renovation stays within my budget?

Set a realistic budget in the planning phase. Prioritise essential updates, get multiple quotes and allow for a contingency fund to accommodate unforeseen expenses.

Are there eco-friendly options for a sustainable kitchen renovation?

Yes, consider energy-efficient appliances, recycled or sustainable materials for countertops and flooring and water-saving fixtures. Eco-friendly choices can enhance both functionality and environmental responsibility.

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