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What is loan restructuring?

What is loan restructuring?

Loans help in meeting huge expenses. Timely repayment of a loan is necessary to prevent any negative impact on one’s credit score. When facing challenges with repayment, loan borrowers can find loan restructuring a beneficial option. Banks and financial institutions allow borrowers to restructure their loan terms to clear the dues and improve their recovery.

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What is loan restructuring?

Loan restructuring refers to the process of negotiating the loan terms to prevent any default on current debts. This can be done through:

Loan restructuring helps lenders to recover the loan amounts.


Reasons for loan restructuring

Financial difficulties

Borrowers may face difficulties repaying their loans due to unforeseen scenarios, such as economic downturns or job loss. Loan restructuring enables them to reduce monthly instalments or extend their loan tenure.

Change in financial situation

Borrowers may opt for loan restructuring to get the advantage of lower interest rates or better repayment terms.

Debt consolidation

Borrowers with multiple loans with different interest rates and repayment terms can find loan restructuring beneficial as it allows them to consolidate their debts into a single loan and a lower interest rate.

Business expansion

Businesses seek additional funds to expand their operations. Through loan restructuring, they can modify existing loan terms or secure additional financing.

Property buying

Several borrowers opt for loan restructuring to finance property purchases.


Types of loan restructuring

Extension of loan tenure

This type of loan restructuring enables borrowers to extend their repayment period and reduce their monthly obligations.

Reduction in interest rate

Reducing the interest rate on loans helps borrowers to lower their monthly EMIs, which eases their repayment obligation.


A moratorium refers to a mandate by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), offering a temporary suspension of loan repayments. During this period, loan borrowers are not required to make any payments towards the principal or interest.

Combination of approaches

In certain cases, lenders may agree to a combination of loan restructuring to meet the borrower’s financial needs.


Eligibility of loan restructuring


Documents required for loan restructuring


How to opt for loan restructuring?


Loan restructuring: Pros and cons

Pros Cons
Lower monthly EMIs Extended loan tenure
Immediate financial relief Long-term costs
Prevents loan default Short-term impact on credit score
Enhanced cash flow Increased interest payment
Flexibility with customised options Additional charges



What is meant by loan restructuring?

Loan restructuring refers to the process by which borrowers can restructure their loan terms to reduce the interest.

Who is eligible for loan restructuring?

Borrowers facing financial difficulties can submit a letter to their lender with supporting documents to opt for loan restructuring. Those with a good credit history or having certain types of loans can opt for loan restructuring.

Will loan restructuring impact tax liabilities?

Loan restructuring may impact tax liabilities. One must consult a financial advisor to make an informed decision.

Are charges applicable on loan restructuring?

A borrower may have to bear processing fees, administrative charges and documentation charges, depending on the lender and their policies.

Does loan restructuring impact credit score?

Restructuring of a loan may have a short-term impact on the credit score. However, one must ensure regular payment of dues to improve their CIBIL score.

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