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World Longest Dam: Everything you Need to know

Hirakud Dam: The longest dam in the world 

Hirakud Dam: The longest dam in the world 

The longest earthen dam on the Mahanadi river is the Hirakud dam, the longest dam in the world. The whole dam drains a total area of 1,33,090 sq.Kms. It is said that the drained area is more than twice the area of Sri Lanka. The colossal dam was constructed with earth, concrete, and masonry materials. The overall width of the road on the Hirakud dam is nearly 8 metres wide. As the dam is the longest, it creates the largest artificial lake, which has a total area of 746 sq.Kms. Not only that, but also the shoreline is more than 640 Km. In this article, you can find many more details regarding the Hirakud dam in Odisha.

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How to reach the Hirakud dam?

To reach the Hirakud dam, you can avail of several transport services. These are as follows:

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Detailed information about the Hirakud dam


Technical details of the Hirakud dam

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History of the construction of the Hirakud dam

Sir Hawthorne Lewis was the then governor of Odisha in 1946. He was the first to start the plan for the longest Hirakud dam in Odisha near Sambalpur. On 12 April 1948, Jawaharlal Nehru laid the first concrete batch to inaugurate the structure.

The Mazumdar Committee was working on the project mentored by the government to oversee all kinds of detailed structures and related issues if any. On 13 January 1957, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru officially opened the whole facility to the public.

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Benefits of the Hirakud dam in Odisha

The Hirakud dam, located in Odisha, is the longest artificial dam in the world. The dam provides a lot of benefits in various sectors. Here are the benefits of the dam:



Hirakud dam is constructed on which river?

The Hirakud dam is built on the Mahanadi river in Odisha.

Is it true that a lot of temples are submerged under the dam?

Yes, it is reported that many temples are submerged in and around the Hirakud dam.

What is the main benefit of the Hirakud dam?

The main benefit of the Hirakud dam is to save the lower area of Sambalpur in Odisha from heavy floods.

Who was the initial engineer of the Hirakud dam?

Sir M. Visvevaraya was the initial engineer of the Hirakud dam.

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