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Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to build $100 mn compound in Hawaii

Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly building a huge $100 million compound in Hawaii known as Koolau Ranch. Positioned on the island of Kauai, this massive compound is shaping up to be one of the most financially ambitious personal construction ventures in recent years.

In its current phase of development, Koolau Ranch encompasses more than a dozen structures, featuring two primary mansions intricately linked by an underground tunnel. This subterranean passageway leads to a sizable 5,000-square-foot (sqft) underground shelter, equipped with living quarters and a mechanical space secured by a robust blast-resistant concrete and steel door.

Beyond its opulent facade, Koolau Ranch is designed to function as a self-sufficient space, ready to withstand global catastrophes. The compound is envisioned to house a minimum of 30 bedrooms and 30 bathrooms, supplemented by guest houses and a cluster of 11 treehouses interconnected by rope bridges. It is packed with security measures, encompassing keypad locks, soundproofing and concealed doors, while an extensive camera network ensures surveillance. Covering 1,400 acre, the property supports ranching and agricultural activities, ensuring a sustainable food source.

Mark Zuckerberg has deliberately kept the Koolau Ranch project a secret, encircling it with a 6-foot wall and mandating non-disclosure agreements for the workers involved. The overall investment in this remarkable property stands at an astonishing $270 million, including the $170 million spent on buying the land for the compound.


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