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Mumbai sees highest property registrations in Nov 2023: Report

Mumbai sees highest property registrations in Nov 2023: Report

November 30, 2023: Mumbai city (area under BMC jurisdiction) is expected to record 9,548 property registrations, contributing to Rs 697 crore to the state government revenues, mentions a Knight Frank report. While registrations showed a 7% YoY rise, revenue from stamp duty increased by 2% compared to the preceding year. Of the overall registered properties, residential units constitute 80%, the remaining 20% constitute non-residential assets.


Best November in last 11 years (2013-2023)

Month wise


Sales registration YoY



(INR cr)



Nov-13 3,859 -9%  220 -11%
Nov-14 5,001 30%  281 28%
Nov-15 4,221 -16%  250 -11%
Nov-16 3,838 -9%  233 -7%
Nov-17 6,230 62%  464 99%
Nov-18 5,190 -17%  362 -22%
Nov-19 5,574 7%  429 19%
Nov-20 9,301 67%  288 -33%
Nov-21 7,582 -18%  549 91%
Nov-22 8,965 18%  684 24%
Nov-23* 9,548 7% 697 2%

Source: IGR Maharashtra

Numbers forecasted based on per day run rate


As per the Knight Frank report, Mumbai in November 2023 is set to achieve its most successful November in the past 11 years for property registrations, highlighting the enduring strength of the residential real estate sector. This success is driven by factors such as increasing income levels and a positive outlook on homeownership, reflecting the unwavering trust of property purchasers in the city’s real estate market.


Preferred location of property purchase in November 2023

Buyers’ location

Micro market

  Central Mumbai Central Suburbs South Mumbai Western Suburbs Out of city
Central Mumbai 41% 2% 7% 0% 0%
Central Suburbs 35% 85% 14% 14% 41%
South Mumbai 4% 3% 50% 0% 8%
Western Suburbs 20% 10% 29% 86% 49%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Source: IGR Maharashtra


Of the total properties registered, Central and Western suburbs together constituted over 75% as these locations are a hotbed for new launches offering a wide range of modern amenities and good connectivity. 86% of Western suburb buyers and 85% of Central suburb purchasers opt to purchase within their micro market. This choice is influenced by the familiarity of the location, along with the availability of products that align with their pricing and feature preferences.

In the 11 months of 2023, the city achieved a registration count of 1,14,464 units resulting in a substantial revenue accumulation of Rs 9,922 crore for the state treasury. This achievement stands as the highest within the same timeframe since 2013. This surge in property registrations has notably bolstered the Government of Maharashtra’s coffers. The elevated revenue growth can be attributed to factors like registration of higher-value properties and augmented stamp duty rate.

Shishir Baijal, chairman and managing director, Knight Frank India, said,Following a notable 6.5% YoY increase in prime property prices during Q3 2023, Mumbai is anticipated to witness a 5.5% upsurge in prime residential prices in 2024. This surge is primarily attributed to robust housing demand and economic expansion. This enduring trend is amplified by the rising share of high value property registrations of Rs 1 crore and above, which has increased from 51% in YTD November 2020 to 57% in YTD November 2023. Having said that, besides the strong sense of home ownership, rising income levels, stable home loan interest rates coupled with moderate rise in property prices have contributed to the cause of affordability in Mumbai, a crucial factor that will help sustain the momentum of housing sales in Mumbai.”


Ticket size wise split of property sale registrations

Registrations Rs 1 cr and below Rs 1 cr and above
Jan-Nov 20 49% 51%
Jan- Nov 21 46% 54%
Jan- Nov 22 46% 54%
Jan- Nov 23 43% 57%


Registrations Rs 1 cr and below


Rs 1 cr and above


Jan-Nov 20  22,565  23,487
Jan- Nov 21  47,027  55,205
Jan- Nov 22  51,827  60,841
Jan- Nov 23  44,220  65,244


In recent years, there has been a consistent upward trend in the percentage of registrations for properties valued at Rs 1 cr or more. This proportion has risen from 51% in January to November 2020 to approximately 57% in January to November 2023.

The increase in property prices, combined with a significant 250 basis point rise in the policy repo rate during the last two years, has had a negative impact on the registration of properties below the Rs 1 crore threshold. However, registrations for properties valued at Rs 1 crore and above have shown a relatively limited impact of these changes.


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