Government of India has allocated Rs 3,596 crore to the Delhi-Meerut RRTS corridor in the Union Budget 2023-24, announced on February 1, 2023. The Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS project will be India’s first RRTS implemented by the National Capital Area Transport Corporation (NCRTC). The semi-high-speed rail-based transit system in the national capital region (NCR) will cover a distance of 82 km.
The 82-km RRTS corridor will link Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi and Meerut in Uttar Pradesh. Once fully operational, RRTS trains would have a design speed of 180 kmph and an operating speed of 160 kmph. The RRTS corridor will comprise 25 stops, and it will take less than 55 minutes to travel the distance between the two main cities.
The entire route is expected to become operational by 2025, while a 17-km priority section connecting Sahibabad and Duhai is likely to be ready by the end of March 2023.
Once operational, the section will bring new regional rail services in NCR and will provide commuters with a modern, air-conditioned, fast, and reliable transport service. The RRTS is being developed with latest, state-of-the-art technology. The aerodynamic coaches will be self-propelled on electric traction with a 25KV AC system.
So far, development of 65% of an elevated viaduct and 35% of underground section have been completed along the RRTS corridor.
See also: Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor route, features and latest updates