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NHAI sets up design division to review bridges, other structures

NHAI sets up design division to review bridges, other structures

August 17, 2023: The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has set up a design division that will formulate policy and guidelines for planning, designing, construction and maintenance of bridges, structures, tunnels and RE walls on national highways across the country. The division will ensure effective review of design and construction of bridges, specialised structures and tunnels.

The division will review the project preparation, construction of new bridges, condition surveys and rehabilitation of existing old/distressed bridges, instrumentation to check the health of critical bridges, structures, tunnels and RE walls. It will also review standalone bridges and specialised structures, at a detailed project report (DPR) stage, where DPRs started after June 2023.

In addition, the division will also undertake review of construction methodologies, temporary structures, lifting and launching methods and prestressing methods of selected bridges and structures with span of more than 200 metre and special structures on random basis.

Apart from this, review of designs of all bridges/structures which are more than 200 metre in ongoing projects shall be undertaken.  Also, designs of other bridges of span more than 60 metre, structures and tunnels of more than 200 metre length, RE walls above 10 metre height and other specialized structures will be reviewed on random basis.

For undertaking design reviews, the division will hire advisers, consultants teams comprising of bridge design experts, tunnel experts, RE wall experts, geotech experts, soil/material testing labs etc. The division will also involve design experts/ research scholars/PG students from IITs/NITs for undertaking design reviews of structures.

In addition, the division will organise certification courses for officers of MoRTH, NHAI, NHIDCL and personnel of contractors/ consultants on various aspects of design, construction, supervision & maintenance of bridges, tunnels and RE walls through the Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE), Noida, and the Indian Railways Institute of Civil Engineering (IRICEL), Pune.

An IT-based monitoring system will be developed by the division for bridge inventory, drawings, identification of distressed bridges and will also propose an annual plan for their repair and construction. It will also nominate a team of experts in case of failure of bridges, structures, tunnel and RE walls for detailed analysis and issue guidelines to prevent such failures in future.

With a large number of national highway infrastructure development being under implementation across the country, the division will help to build in-house capacity for designing, proof checking and construction of bridges and other critical structures.


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