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Osho Garden Pune: Attractions, Timings, Entry Fee

What makes Osho Garden Pune a landmark?

Osho Teerth Park (Osho Garden) is a part of the Osho International Meditation Resort located in Pune, Maharashtra. It is a meditation place and is named after Osho.


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Osho Garden: History

In 1989, the Osho Ashram assumed ownership of the Osho Garden area. It partnered with the Shunyo Foundation, a Japanese environmental group, to transform it into the park that it is today.

Osho Garden has seen various alterations and upgrades through the years. Initially, the garden had few flowering plants and trees. The garden, however, saw a makeover in the 1990s when a team of horticulturists and landscape architects rebuilt the site. The new design included numerous plants, trees and flowers from across the world.


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Osho Garden: Attractions

Osho Garden is spread across 12 acre and has numerous areas. The following are some of the most popular garden sections:

Zen Garden: A Zen garden with a large meditation pavilion can be found in the Osho garden. The garden encourages inner calm and tranquillity, making it excellent for meditation.

Buddha Grove: A grove of Buddha statues, each representing a different part of the Buddha’s teachings, may be found in this portion of the garden. Here, a pond surrounds the woods, making it suitable for peaceful contemplation and thought.


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Osho Garden: Entry fee

There is no entry fee for the Osho Garden.

However, the Osho Ashram attracts a fee. The entry fee for the Osho Ashram is Rs 870 per person for Indian visitors, which includes a one day entry sticker. For foreign visitors, the fee is Rs 1,790 per person for a one day entry sticker.


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Osho Garden: Schedule

Osho Garden is open from 6 AM to 9 AM and from 3 PM to 6 PM everyday including weekends and public holidays. Particular garden sections such as the meditation pavilions, may have varied opening and closing times.


Osho Garden: How to reach?

Osho Garden is located in Koregaon Park Pune.


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Is photography permitted in Osho Garden?

Photography is permitted in Osho Garden only when prior permission is taken.

Who developed the Osho Garden?

Osho Garden is a Japanese Zen garden developed by the Shunyo Foundation.

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