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Outdated granite countertop styles to avoid in 2024

outdated granite styles

Granite is undoubtedly the top choice of homeowners when it comes to kitchen countertops. Its durability makes it perfect for rough kitchen applications and it is also super easy to clean and maintain, alongside being available in various styles. The endless options available might sometimes make it hard to pick the best one for your kitchen. So if you are looking for the perfect granite for your kitchen, we’ll help you narrow down the options. Here are a few outdated aspects you should avoid while choosing granite for kitchen countertops. 

See also: Granite kitchen platform ideas for a stunning countertop


Speckled or mottled patterns

Several granite patterns feature scattered specks and small spots throughout the surface. If the specks are in bold colours like blue, red or green, especially in speckled patterns, you might find it difficult to incorporate them into contemporary kitchen designs. Despite being highly popular once, speckled granite might feel somewhat dated. Instead, granite with subtle and uniform patterns feel more timeless. Consider neutral tones like beige, cream or grey to achieve a look that is at the same time versatile and sophisticated without overwhelming the space.


Too light or dark tones

If your granite countertop features a very dark colour, it can easily show dust, fingerprints and waterspot, requiring frequent cleaning to maintain its appearance. Alternatively, very light colours are more prone to getting stained and show imperfections. Opting for mid-tone hues like greys, browns and tans can enhance practicality without compromising elegance, providing a countertop that is easy to clean and maintain.


Very intricate patterns

Several granite countertops flaunt intricate patterns with a lot of movement, veining and swirling designs. Despite acting as a visually striking focal point, they can overwhelm the kitchen and add to the visual clutter, making it unsuitable for compact kitchens. Instead of opting for an elaborately patterned countertop, you can consider simplifying the pattern or go for more subtle textures that are cohesive with contemporary themes and complement the other design elements in the kitchen.


High contrastive colours

Countertops flaunting a significant difference between light and dark areas of the stone were quite trendy in the past. But if used in modern kitchens, such countertops can appear too bold or tacky and clash with the other design elements of the space. To avoid this, it is essential to choose colours with a less striking contrast and complements the overall colour scheme of the kitchen. By doing so, you can achieve a balanced and harmonious look for the space.


Unusual colours

While unusual colours such as bright greens, blues and pinks can make a bold statement, they can significantly restrict your design options. These colours cannot be easily coordinated with the other elements in your kitchen and might quickly fall out of favour as a new fad takes over. Instead, opt for flexibility in terms of design with classic tones of grey, brown or beige so that you can easily update other elements in the future without bothering about whether or not they will complement the kitchen decor.



Are certain granite colours considered outdated?

Granite styles like heavily speckled patterns, very dark or light colours, overly intricate patterns and high contrast colours are considered outdated now.

What are some examples of outdated granite colours?

Avoid patterns in colours like blue, red or green, excessive movement or veining, and unusually striking colours that may clash with other kitchen elements.

Why are certain granite colours considered outdated?

Changing design preferences and evolving trends might result in some granite styles becoming obsolete as they might feel too overwhelming in modern kitchens.

What are some alternatives to outdated granite colours?

Consider replacing outdated styles with more subtle and uniform patterns, choosing mid-tone hues and opting for colours that complement the overall colour scheme of the kitchen.

How can I update my kitchen if I have outdated granite countertops?

Painting or refinishing your cabinets, updating hardware, adding a new backsplash, changing the lighting and introducing newer decor can help update the kitchen without replacing the countertop.

Will outdated granite colours affect the resale value of my home?

While not actively reducing the value of your property, outdated granite might affect ita marketability as most homebuyers prefer modern designs.

Should I avoid trendy granite colours to prevent them from becoming outdated?

Strike a balance between the current trends and personal style by opting for timeless designs to ensure that your countertops remain relevant for longer.


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