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What are the kitchen lighting to avoid?

The kitchen is commonly known as the central hub of the household. It’s where meals are prepared, family gatherings take place and memories are made. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that your kitchen is well-lit. However, not all types of lighting are suitable for a modern kitchen. Some lighting types, once popular, are now considered outdated and can make your kitchen look dated. This article will discuss some of these outdated kitchen lighting types that you should avoid.


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Outdated kitchen lighting types

Fluorescent lights

Fluorescent lights were once a popular choice for kitchen lighting due to their energy efficiency. However, they often cast a harsh and unflattering light that can make your kitchen feel cold and clinical. Moreover, they can flicker and hum, which can be annoying.

Recessed lighting

Recessed lighting can make a kitchen look outdated. While it can provide a lot of light, it’s often not distributed evenly, creating shadows and glaring hotspots. This type of lighting is also energy inefficient, as a lot of the light gets lost in the ceiling.

Single ceiling light fixture

Having a single light fixture in the middle of the kitchen is another outdated lighting trend. While it may provide enough light, it does not distribute it evenly, causing shadows in some areas. It also lacks the flexibility needed for different tasks in the kitchen.

Track lighting

Track lighting, once a go-to solution for kitchen lighting, is now considered outdated. It tends to be obtrusive and often fails to provide adequate light for the entire kitchen space, resulting in poorly lit areas.

Over cabinet lighting

Over cabinet lighting used to be popular for providing ambient light. But it often creates unwanted shadows and can make the kitchen look dated. It’s also typically less energy-efficient.

Excessive pendant lighting

While pendant lights can add a stylish touch, using too many can make your kitchen look cluttered and outdated. They can also create shadows if not placed correctly.

Incandescent bulbs

Incandescent bulbs, once a standard, are now seen as outdated due to their high energy consumption and the heat they produce. Plus, they don’t last as long as LEDs or fluorescents.

Exposed bulb lighting

Light fixtures that expose light bulbs can lead to harsh lighting effects and can be an eyesore. This style of lighting is considered outdated and can detract from your kitchen’s overall aesthetic.

Lighting is a crucial aspect of kitchen design. While the types of lighting mentioned above were once popular, they are now considered outdated and can detract from the overall aesthetics of your kitchen. When planning your kitchen lighting, consider using a combination of different light sources, including task lighting, ambient lighting and accent lighting, to create a warm and inviting space.



What types of lighting are considered modern?

Modern kitchen lighting often includes a mix of recessed lighting, pendant lights, under cabinet lighting and chandeliers.

Are fluorescent lights bad for kitchens?

While fluorescent lights are energy efficient, they often cast a harsh and unflattering light. They are also prone to flickering and can make a humming noise.

Why is recessed lighting considered outdated?

Recessed lighting can create shadows and glaring hotspots. It is also energy inefficient as a lot of the light gets lost in the ceiling.

Is a single light fixture sufficient for a kitchen?

While a single light fixture can provide light, it does not distribute it evenly across the kitchen. It's better to have a mix of different light sources.

What should I consider when planning kitchen lighting?

Consider the size of the kitchen, the colour scheme, the kitchen layout and the tasks that will be performed in the kitchen.

What type of lighting is most suitable for a kitchen?

The best type of lighting for a kitchen is a mix of task, ambient and accent lighting.

Can I use LED lights in the kitchen?

Yes, LED lights are energy efficient, long-lasting and available in a range of colour temperatures making them a good choice for kitchens.


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