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Manila Tamarind: Types, Maintenance Tips & Benefits

Pithecellobium dulce: Learn how to grow and care for Manila tamarind

Pithecellobium dulce, or Manila tamarind, is a legume that belongs to the family Fabaceae. The genus name, Pithecellobium, refers to pithecium, another name for the type of flower. P. dulce means sweet legume.

Pithecellobium dulce grows in tropical and subtropical regions, often in swampy areas with low levels of rainfall. It has been found in South America, Africa and Asia. It is also found in Australia and New Zealand, where it can be seen as an invasive species.

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The Pithecellobium dulce plant grows best in warm climates with high rainfall levels. It can grow up to 15 m tall and live for about 20 years when cultivated properly. The Pithecellobium dulce plant requires between 6-8 hours of sunlight each day during its growing seasons, which are usually from March through September or October, depending on where it is grown.

Source: Pinterest 


Pithecellobium dulce: Quick facts

Botanical Name Pithecellobium dulce
Common Name Manila Tamarind, Madras thorn
Genus  Pithecellobium
Kingdom  Plantae
Clade Tracheophytes
Family  Fabaceae
Life Cycle Annual 
Mature Size Up to 15 m tall
Cultivation  South America, Africa and Asia
Benefits Medical properties, making tea and other beverages 


Pithecellobium dulce: Physical description

Source: Pinterest

The plant produces flowers at the end of branches or even at the end of its stems and branches. These flowers are white or yellowish and have five petals which resemble the lily of the valley flowers.

The leaves are simple ovate to lanceolate and have various lengths depending on the age of the plant. At maturity, they form a complete circle around their mid-point at their base. They are either round or heart-shaped with serrated margins, and they are located along the stem axis.


Pithecellobium dulce: How to grow

Growing Tips


Pithecellobium dulce: Maintenance tips


Pithecellobium dulce: Uses



Can you eat Manila tamarind?

Yes. The pods can be peeled and eaten.

Is Pithecellobium dulce poisonous?

No, the plant does not have any known toxic effects.

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