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A step-by-step guide to understanding potting mix and potting soil

potting mix and potting soil

For the newbie gardener, venturing into the world of growing mediums can be confusing. Two terms, potting mix and potting soil, are often used interchangeably, but there’s a key difference between them. Understanding this distinction is crucial for choosing the perfect environment for your potted plants to thrive. In this article we’ll help you understand this very difference.


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Potting mix: The soilless champion

Potting mix, also known as a soilless mix or medium, is exactly what the name suggests – it doesn’t contain any actual soil. Instead, it’s a carefully crafted blend of organic and inorganic materials designed to provide optimal drainage, aeration and nutrient availability for container plants. Here’s a breakdown of its key components:


Organic materials

Inorganic materials

The specific ratio of these ingredients varies depending on the intended use. For instance, a cactus mix will have a higher proportion of inorganic materials for superior drainage, while a mix for moisture-loving plants like ferns will contain more peat moss for better water retention.

Benefits of potting mix


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Potting soil: A blend of benefits 

Potting soil, sometimes referred to as garden soil, can be a blend of actual soil, compost and other organic materials. It’s often a more affordable option compared to potting mix. However, there are some key considerations to keep in mind.


Key features 



Potting mix vs. potting soil

So, when should you choose potting mix over potting soil and vice versa? Here’s a quick guide:


Use potting mix for

Consider potting soil for


Additional tips

By understanding the distinctions between potting mix and potting soil, you can help your plants thrive to the best of their ability.



What's the difference between potting mix and potting soil?

Potting mix is a soilless blend of organic and inorganic materials designed for optimal drainage, aeration and nutrient availability in containers. Potting soil, on the other hand, can contain actual soil mixed with organic matter.

Which one drains better?

Potting mix wins the drainage battle. Its inclusion of perlite, vermiculite or bark allows excess water to escape freely, preventing root rot. Regular potting soil can be heavy and prone to compaction, leading to poor drainage in pots.

Is potting mix lighter than potting soil?

Absolutely. The lack of actual soil makes potting mix significantly lighter than potting soil. This is a big advantage when handling and manoeuvring larger containers.

Is potting mix sterile?

Most commercial potting mixes are sterilised during production, minimising the risk of introducing harmful pathogens, weeds or pests into your container garden. Potting soil, on the other hand, might not be sterilised

Which one is more affordable?

Potting soil generally comes with a lower price tag compared to potting mix. However, potting mix requires less frequent repotting due to its consistent quality and nutrient content, potentially making it more cost-effective in the long run.

When should I use a potting mix?

Potting mix is the champion for almost all container gardening situations. It's ideal for indoor plants, seed starting, outdoor container plants (vegetables, herbs, flowers, trees) and plants with high drainage needs (cacti, succulents).

Is there ever a time to use potting soil?

Consider using potting soil for established outdoor container plants, especially if weight is a concern. However, be extra vigilant about drainage. It can also be used for amending garden beds, but not recommended for sole use in containers.

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