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Retro vs Vintage: What’s the difference?

Understanding the differences between retro and vintage styles can help you add personality and depth to your home decor. Although they both have nostalgic themes, they have different styles and vibes that can change your living area in different ways. In this article, we’ll look at the differences between retro and vintage from a home perspective, providing insights and examples to help you understand their distinct characteristics and make informed design decisions for your home. Understanding the differences between a funky, vibrant ambiance and a timeless, classic look will allow you to curate a home that reflects your personal style and preferences.

See also: Top 15 vintage bedroom design ideas


History of retro

Before people started using the word “retro,” designers were already taking inspiration from old styles. For example, back in the 18th and 19th centuries, there were movements like the Gothic Revival in architecture, where designers brought back elements from mediaeval times. Another example is the Neoclassical movement, which borrowed ideas from ancient Greek and Roman designs.

The term “retro” came about in the 1970s. It was first used in France to talk about looking back at the past. Specifically, people were interested in the fashion choices from World War II. So, “retro” became a way to describe this nostalgic feeling and the trend of bringing back old styles in a new way.


What is retro?

Retro colours are all about using bright and lively shades from the past in today’s designs. Unlike vintage colours, which are linked to certain times, retro colours can be made new and used now. They take ideas from cool design trends of the past, like the bold colours of the 1960s or the natural tones of the 1970s. Using retro colours can make your space feel nostalgic and lively, while still using modern colour techniques.

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Examples of retro





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How to use retro for home?

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History of vintage

Back in the day, folks didn’t really have the concept of “vintage” like we do now. They just wore their clothes until they couldn’t anymore! Especially if you didn’t have much money, you’d patch up your clothes or pass them down to keep using them. But then, in the 1920s, the word “vintage” started popping up. At first, it was used for fancy wines from specific years. As people got richer, they started seeing old stuff as cool, not just useful. So, stores selling second-hand things started getting popular because folks wanted unique stuff. 

During World War I and II, when materials were scarce, people got super resourceful. They started appreciating older clothes that were made really well. And that’s when vintage clothes stores really took off. Then, in the 1960s, things changed big time. Young folks started digging through old clothes not just because they had to, but as a way to stick it to mainstream fashion and show off their own style. Vintage clothes became a symbol of being different and remembering the good old days.


What is vintage?

Vintage items are things from the past, usually between 20 to 99 years old. They’re special because they’re unique, not like things made today in big factories. Vintage stuff is often made better, with nicer materials and craftsmanship. They might have a few scratches or signs of use, but that just adds to their charm and makes them feel real. Vintage clothes and furniture bring the style of a certain time period into your home, letting you enjoy old fashion trends or design styles. Antique things are even older, usually over 100 years old, and are very valuable. Retro stuff, on the other hand, is new but made to look old-fashioned. It’s a fun way to bring old vibes into modern times.

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Examples of vintage

Home decor



How to use vintage for home?

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What's the future of vintage and retro?

Increased focus on sustainability, easier authentication with technology, and the inclusion of late 20th and early 21st century items in the vintage category.

How can I tell if something is truly vintage?

Look for materials and construction typical of the era, research hallmarks of specific styles, and consult experts for valuable pieces.

Is it okay to mix vintage and retro in the same space?

Absolutely! It allows for a personal touch and a more eclectic look.

What should I prioritise when incorporating vintage or retro into my home?

Focus on functionality and comfort alongside aesthetics. Choose pieces you love and that reflect your personality to create a space that feels personal and stylish.

Is vintage or retro more expensive?

In general, vintage tends to be more affordable than true antiques, but it can still vary depending on the rarity, condition, and demand for a particular piece. Retro furniture is often more readily available and can be more budget-friendly, especially for mass-produced items.

How can I care for vintage furniture?

Regular dusting, cleaning with gentle products, and avoiding harsh chemicals is key. Leather furniture might require special conditioners, while wood pieces might benefit from occasional polishing with appropriate oil. Research the specific care needs for different materials used in vintage furniture.

Is vintage or retro a good choice for all rooms in my house?

Vintage and retro styles can be incorporated into any room, depending on your taste and the overall feel you want to achieve. For kitchens and bathrooms, consider focusing on smaller vintage accessories or retro-inspired appliances. In bedrooms, vintage furniture like dressers for nightstands can add character.

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