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Sequoia Tree Facts, Growing Methods, and Use

Sequoia tree: How to grow and care for Sequoiadendron giganteum

One of the most challenging trees in the world is the giant Sequoia. Their thick bark makes them resistant to fire, fungal decay, and wood-boring beetles. The magnificent, auburn-toned bark of the enormous redwood Sequoiadendron giganteum is where it derives its name. Generations of Californians have been inspired by the vast Sequoia, also known as the Sequoia or Sierra redwood, for its capacity to grow to enormous size.

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Sequoia tree: Quick facts

Botanical name Sequoiadendron giganteum
Common name Coast wood, redwood, California redwood
Family  Cupressaceae
Native tree West slope of the Sierra Nevada in central California
Tree size 250 and 300 feet tall
Tree colour Grey bark,

Blue-green or grey-green leaves

Soil type Deep, well-drained sandy loams.
Temperature  -25 to -31 degrees Celsius
Season  April to mid-June
Toxic  Non-toxic


Sequoia tree: Description

Sequoia trees in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California can be located on the west-facing slope between 4,500 and 8,000 feet in height. Giant sequoias can live up to 3,000 years and reach heights of over 300 feet in their natural habitat. Mature trees often reach heights of 200 to 275 feet. When young, sequoias have a tall, slender trunk and a narrow, conical crown, whose branches almost completely encircle the tree. The tree starts to spread out, grow broad lateral limbs, and lose the lower branches once it reaches its maximum height.

The leaves of the giant Sequoia are uniformly scale-like or awl-shaped, and they cling closely to the branches. The winter buds are scaleless. The dense cones need two seasons to develop and open after a wildfire. The tannins in the giant Sequoia’s tree trunk give it its distinctive reddish hue and prevent insects from gnawing through the bark.


Sequoia tree: Growth

Only seeds, some of which can stay in the cone for 20 years, are used to reproduce giant sequoias. Forest fires aid in the opening of the cones, which later develop from the bare, burned soil.


Source: Pinterest



How can a Sequoiadendron be grown from a pit?

Source: Pinterest 


Remove the protective covering from the tree’s roots and carefully remove it from its packaging. Place the tree in the glass of water now, carefully submerging the roots. Give it an hour before moving it. Use that time to prepare a 2+ gallon container with top-notch soil that will function as your Sequoia’s temporary home.

Once you have it, plant your tree by digging a 3″ in diameter and 8″ deep hole. After that, bring the Sequoia to the container, place it in the hole, and cover it with soil. Lastly, add more water to the ground.

Find a bright spot in your home where you can encourage the tree to thrive. You will only need to water the tree for the upcoming months once the soil is almost entirely dry. If necessary, thoroughly saturate the container with water.

Just remember that overwatering your Sequoia might cause it to die, so do it when necessary. Feel free to use high-nitrogen and time-release fertilisers to make your tree stronger at this stage.


How to plant

Moving your Sequoia involves drilling a hole and placing the tree inside. It needs to be placed in the ideal location; else, you risk killing it.

If you reside in a cold climate, be cautious about shielding your tree from the winds, which may damage a developing Sequoia over the winter.

Their roots are shallow. There is no tap root to attach them to the ground firmly. Even though the bases only extend 6–12 feet, these trees hardly ever topple over. Strong winds, earthquakes, fires, storms, and prolonged flooding cannot damage them. So, don’t be concerned about falling Sequoias during the windy season.


Sequoia tree: Tips to keep in mind


Sequoia tree: Uses



What is the depth of sequoia roots?

When the roots of the giant Sequoia trees reach a height of between 100 and 150 feet, they eventually cover an area of forest land of about four square acres.

Will sequoias endure the winter?

The Giant Sequoia is a very adaptable species, despite its small native range. It can grow anywhere in the United States and is heat and cold-resistant.

Is Sequoia a hardwood or a softwood?

It is a softwood that is lightweight and has an excellent weight-to-strength ratio. Due to its weather durability, it is frequently used for outdoor furniture and decks.

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