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Should the Tulsi plant be given as a gift?

Should the Tulsi plant be given as a gift?

According to the ancient Vedas and Puranas, Tulsi is the most sacred plant. The Tulsi plant has an auspicious significance in Hinduism. The presence of tulsi in the house destroys negative energy and enhances positive energy. According to Vaastu, a tulsi plant at home bestows harmony and happiness. Tulsi is also known as basil. It has medicinal properties and is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. The Tulsi plant is known as the queen of herbs. The plant is said to be a good air purifier. Its leaves are aromatic and the leaf oil can destroy bacteria. The leaves when eaten can solve digestive problems and cure common coughs and colds. Tulsi is a medicinal plant that boosts immunity, improves digestion and soothes the mind. It is also an excellent mosquito repellent.

Read about Rama and Krishna, the different species of the Tulsi plant.


Why is Tulsi worshipped?

Tulsi, also known as Vrinda, is a Goddess and a partner of Lord Vishnu. Believed to be a physical incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi, she is worshipped for peace and prosperity. Tulsi is considered to be the gateway to heaven or Vaikuntha, the abode of Lord Vishnu, and helps devotees in getting closer to attaining Moksha (freedom from the cycle of birth and death).

The sacred plant helps reduce Vaastu Dosha, if any. In ancient households, a Tulsi plant would find a special place of worship. People would perform ‘parikrama’ to pay their respect to the Goddess. Tulsi is ceremonially married to Lord Vishnu annually on the 11th bright day of the Kartika month in the lunar calendar, which signifies the end of the monsoon and the beginning of the Hindu wedding season. Tulsi is a symbol of purity, health and spiritual goodness.

Religious ceremonies or offerings are incomplete without Tulsi leaves. They are an important part of the prasad. Tulsi leaves are an essential ingredient of the ‘panchamrita’ in a puja ceremony. Using basil leaves in puja rituals brings happiness, prosperity, health and well-being to the family.

Known about: Types Of Tulsi Plant

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Should the Tulsi plant be given as a gift?

Holy basil, or Tulsi, can be given as a gift for good luck. Gifting someone a tulsi plant is a great way to show that you care about their health and well-being. Giving Tulsi twigs to someone with anxiety or stress reduces their worries. The Tulsi plant at home attracts financial luck and removes negative energies and Vaastu flaws.


On which occasions can Tulsi be given as a gift?

Tulsi is a wonderful and meaningful plant that can be gifted on any auspicious, religious or festive occasion.

People are realising the importance of gifting green plants to their loved ones. It showcases love and care for the receiver. It’s one of the easiest ways to inculcate the habit of growing plants and creating a positive aura at home.

Be a bit creative when gifting a Tulsi plant. Opt for a ceramic or colourful painted earthen pot and tie a ribbon around the pot. You can use a woven basket or wrap the earthen pot in a jute cloth.


The trend of gifting silver Tulsi plant

These days people are gifting silver Tulsi plants as an auspicious gift of good luck. These plants are designed in silver and often embellished with meenakari. The silver Tulsi is designed in a pot and is a wonderful alternative to a real Tulsi plant. Silver articles are linked with divinity and prosperity. Silver Tulsi plants are available in various sizes to suit every budget. The silver Tulsi can be placed in the temple at home without the worry of taking care of a real Tulsi plant.

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Tulsi mala as a gift

Tulsi beads are worn around the neck or wrist for spiritual and physical healing in the form of a Tulsi garland or bracelet. The contact of Tulsi with the body rejuvenates the mind and brings good luck. A standard Tulsi mala has 108 Tulsi beads. Rosaries and tulsi mala are made from the dried stems of the plant. Devotees use this while reciting Vishnu mantras and worshipping Lord Krishna. The benefit of wearing a tulsi mala is that it wards off negative energies and brings peace of mind. You can gift a Tulsi mala designed with silver or gold along with Tulsi beads.



Vaastu benefits of Tulsi

Tulsi is an auspicious plant, according to Vaastu Shastra. The Tulsi plant attracts positive energy and brings tranquillity. Nurturing a Tulsi plant at home is considered to bring good fortune and wealth. Always plant Tulsi in the specified direction as per Vaastu. It helps in bringing a calm and peaceful atmosphere and results in health benefits for the occupants. Tulsi is a natural air purifier. If a married couple worships the tulsi plant, it helps in their bonding. Placing it in the home eliminates Vaastu Doshas. It has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, which protect from various infections and give relief in colds and coughs.


Correct placement of Tulsi at home as per Vaastu

According to Vaastu Shastra, keep the Tulsi plant in the north, northeast or east. The best location to place the Tulsi plant, according to Vaastu, is in the east, on the balcony or near the window. Planting Tulsi in these directions creates positive energy in the house. Basil can also be kept near the kitchen to end family strife. If the staircase is positioned in the anti-clockwise direction, keep a black Tulsi plant near the staircase and the landing. Avoid keeping Tulsi in the south as it can harm you instead of giving you benefits. Keep Tulsi at home on a raised structure or stool that is higher than the foundation of your home Ensure that it gets adequate sunlight and that the area is clutter-free and clean.




Is gifting the Tulsi plant auspicious?

According to Vaastu Shastra, Tulsi is one of the most sacred and auspicious plants that increases positivity at home. So, it’s a favourable and meaningful gesture to gift the plant. Ensure that you gift a healthy plant.

What does the Tulsi plant symbolise?

Tulsi or Vrinda plant is a sacred plant in the Hindu belief system. Tulsi symbolises purity and good luck. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi resides in the Tulsi plant. Tulsi, as a herb, is the centre of most households and is denoted as the ‘women’s deity’ and ‘motherhood’.

Which Tulsi is better – Rama or Shyama?

Shyam Tulsi or Krishna Tulsi is purplish-black. Rama Tulsi or Swarna Tulsi is green. The therapeutic properties of both Rama and Shyama are widely known. Rama tulsi is used both ceremonially and medicinally. You can keep either of these two Tulsi plant varieties at home. A tulsi plant with green leaves, also called Shri-tulsi, is considered best as per Vaastu.

Can we keep silver Tulsi in the pooja room?

You can keep a pure silver Tulsi plant in the temple at home. It is considered auspicious for good health and prosperity and to ward off ill luck.



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