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7 types of skylight for your living space

7 types of skylight for your living space

Skylights are a brilliant way to bathe your living room in natural light, creating a warm, inviting and spacious atmosphere. But with so many options available, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. In this article you will explore ten popular skylight designs, considering their functionality, aesthetics and suitability for your living space.


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Fixed skylights: Consistent natural light

Fixed skylights are the most common type, offering a permanent source of natural light. They come in various shapes like flat panels, squares or rectangles and are ideal for areas where consistent illumination is desired. These skylights are typically non-operable, making them a budget-friendly option. However, consider installing them strategically to avoid excessive heat gain in summer.


Vented skylights: Light and fresh air

For the best of both worlds, consider vented skylights. These combine natural light with fresh air circulation. They come in manual or electric opening mechanisms, allowing you to control airflow and ventilation. Vented skylights are perfect for regulating temperature and reducing moisture buildup, especially in areas prone to humidity.


Tubular skylights: Brightening interior rooms

Don’t have direct access to the roof? Tubular skylights, also called sun tunnels, are your solution. They capture sunlight through a dome on your roof and channel it down a reflective tube into your living room. This innovative design is perfect for illuminating interior rooms or hallways that lack windows.


Roof windows: Unobstructed views

For a truly expansive feel, consider roof windows. These skylights hinge open like traditional windows, offering a panoramic view of the sky and allowing for fresh air circulation. They come in various sizes and configurations, allowing you to customise the level of light and openness you desire. However, roof windows may require additional framing and support, increasing installation costs.


Skylight shading solutions

While natural light is desirable, uncontrolled sunlight can lead to glare and excessive heat gain. Consider incorporating shading solutions like blinds, shades or films specifically designed for skylights. These can be manually operated or automated, allowing you to adjust the light throughout the day.


Skylight combinations: Creative designs

Don’t be limited to a single skylight! Explore the possibility of combining different types to create a unique and functional design. For instance, a combination of fixed and vented skylights can provide both consistent light and airflow. You can even create dramatic light patterns by incorporating skylights of various shapes and sizes.


Pyramid skylights: Architectural statement

Pyramid skylights add a striking architectural element to your living room. These geometric marvels capture light from multiple angles, providing excellent illumination throughout the day. They are a perfect choice for modern or contemporary homes and can become a focal point in your living space.


Advantages and disadvantages of skylights in living rooms

Advantage Disadvantage
Abundant natural light Potential for heat gain in summer
Creates a spacious and airy feel May require additional shading solutions
Reduces reliance on artificial lighting Can be prone to leaks if not properly installed
Enhances the overall aesthetic of the living room May require structural reinforcement for installation
Potential for stargazing Limited view compared to traditional windows

Skylights offer a compelling way to transform your living room by introducing natural light and creating a sense of openness. However, it’s crucial to weigh the advantages against the potential drawbacks to ensure they align with your needs and preferences.


Skylights are a beautiful and functional addition to any living room. By considering the various types, materials and functionalities explored in this guide, you can choose the perfect solution to bathe your space in natural light and create a more inviting and uplifting atmosphere.


Will a skylight make my living room too hot?

Skylights can bring in significant heat gain, especially during summer. However, this can be mitigated by installing vented skylights, using heat-reflective glazing or incorporating shading solutions like blinds or films.

How much does a skylight cost?

Skylight costs vary depending on size, type, material and installation complexity. Fixed skylights are generally the most affordable, while electric venting mechanisms and complex designs will increase the price.

Can skylights be installed in any roof type?

Most skylights can be adapted to various roof pitches, but it's essential to consult a professional. Flat roofs may require special considerations to ensure proper drainage and prevent leaks.

Do skylights require a lot of maintenance?

Regular maintenance is key to ensure your skylight's longevity. This includes cleaning the interior and exterior surfaces, inspecting seals and flashing for wear and clearing debris that might block sunlight.

Can skylights help me save on energy bills?

Strategically placed skylights can reduce your reliance on artificial lighting during the day. However, in hot climates, additional cooling costs due to heat gain might negate the energy savings.

Is there a skylight option for living rooms without direct roof access?

Yes! Tubular skylights, also known as sun tunnels, capture sunlight through a dome on your roof and channel it down a reflective tube into your living room, effectively brightening interior spaces.

How can I ensure my skylight is installed safely and securely?

Hiring a professional contractor experienced in skylight installation is crucial. They can assess your roof structure, ensure compliance with building codes and guarantee a leak-proof and secure installation.

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