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SPC flooring: Cost, advantages and disadvantages

SPC flooring: Advantages, disadvantages, cost in India, and how to install

SPC flooring is made up of multiple layers of fibre-reinforced polypropylene (FPRPP). The layers are then combined with adhesives to create a robust and durable material with excellent thermal, acoustic and fire-retardant properties. Processing the material makes it possible for you to get an attractive and durable floor at an affordable price.

SPC flooring is a laminate flooring product made from recycled and post-consumer materials. It has a smooth finish that is resistant to scratches, dents and scuffs, and it can be used in high-traffic areas such as kitchens, bathrooms and entryways. SPC flooring is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional hardwood and vinyl tile floors.

The product comes in many different styles, including standard patterns, custom patterns, self-installation patterns, engineered wood grain patterns and more. The versatility of this product allows you to choose the look you want for your home without having to worry about getting the wrong type of flooring installed in your home.

In addition to being affordable and eco-friendly, SPC flooring is easy to install yourself or with a professional installer. The installation process takes just one day per room so you can install your new floors in no time.

See also: VDF Flooring: Procedure, uses, pros and cons


SPC flooring: Advantages

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SPC flooring has many advantages over other types of flooring.

Know about: VDF flooring

SPC flooring: Disadvantages

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SPC flooring is made up of a simple, solid surface. It is an excellent choice for people who want to make their homes eco-friendlier. However, some drawbacks are associated with this type of flooring.


SPC flooring: Cost of SPC in India

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Flooring made from SPC costs between Rs 100 and Rs 180 per square foot. The thickness of the wear layer and the UV coating determine the price of the SPC plank. It costs between Rs 10 and Rs 15 per square foot to install.


How to install SPC flooring ?

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The SPC core in luxury vinyl flooring allows it to be installed as floating floors in planks or tiles. There is no need for glue in most of these versions, unlike earlier versions. You can cut them with a knife and snap them together, making them easier to assemble than laminate planks. The only thing you need a saw for is cutting curves and notches.

Hardwood, vinyl and some types of tile can all be installed over SPC flooring. Some preparation might be required first, however, since the subfloor must be flat. If the product you install does not come with an underlayment, it is also recommended that you use one. For the SPC flooring to stay in place, you will need to install baseboards.



What is the cost of SPC flooring?

It is generally less expensive than hardwood flooring and can still provide the same natural wood effect you want. It is also easier to install than hardwood flooring.

What are the benefits of SPC flooring for the home?

Vinyl flooring with SPC is considered to be the newest generation of flooring. Further, unlike wood and laminate flooring, they are 100% waterproof, which makes them more versatile and suitable for all types of rooms in the house, including bathrooms and kitchens that are wet.

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