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How to design a living room?

The living room serves as the home’s social hub, where friends and family congregate for get-togethers and movie marathons. Every member of the family spends time in these rooms on a regular basis, and they are also utilised to host guests.

No matter the size, shape, or orientation of your living room, it covers all the bases to help you make the best decisions, from furniture to paint to layout to flooring. While designing a living room, you should prioritise comfort, closeness, welcome, practicality, and durability in the planning of the space’s layout, furniture, flooring, and decorating. This article will assist you in creating a comfortable and inviting living space.

See also: Corner sofa design ideas for your living room


Designing a living room: Plannin

Do your homework to find practical solutions and aesthetic alternatives for your project. Have fun looking at and dissecting inspirational photographs while discussing the financials and technicalities of your project. Thinking about how you want your living room laid out doesn’t need you to be an interior designer or architect. If you spend some time drawing out the dimensions of your space, you’ll have a much better notion of what pieces of furniture you’ll need to fill it.

Think about how people will be moving throughout the space, and evaluate whether or not this will be a problem due to obstacles like furniture or other people. Keep in mind that it is important to consider the long-term goals of the family as well as the short-term demands of each member.

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Living room design: Steps to follow

Designing a living room can seem like a daunting task, but breaking it down into steps can make it more manageable. Here are some steps to follow to design a living room:

By following these steps, you can design a living room that is both functional and stylish, and reflects your personal taste and lifestyle.


10 things to consider while designing a living room


The living room colour ideas and schemes you choose should reflect your personality, but you should also weigh the advantages they provide.



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Not knowing what you want might make shopping for an area rug a difficult experience. A living room needs a rug large enough to accommodate all of the furniture.


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When designing a living space, the walls are an essential component. As a result, you may want to think about wallpapering the whole room, just one wall, or just a small section of the room in addition to painting.


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The flooring in a living room may be a subtle design element or a show stopper. Solid wood flooring is a common option since it looks great as it ages and can withstand the heavy foot activity of a busy living room. If required, it may be sanded down and refinished. Keeping in mind that the living room serves as a gathering place for friends and family, it is important to choose a tile floor that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.


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Sofa and furniture

Beginning with the couch is an excellent place to start when designing living room furniture since it is so often the focal point of the space.


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It is crucial to include enough storage space in your living room layout. Think about what will look well on display and what has to be hidden, then plan storage accordingly.


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Lighting for the living room should have three distinct sources of illumination: ambient, task, and accent lighting.


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As much as the window coverings in a living room should complement the area’s aesthetic, they must also serve a practical purpose.


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Focal point

The living room is anchored by the focal point, which also serves to pull the eye throughout the area. Although the hearth and home they represent make the fireplace a natural focal point, in most modern homes, the television has taken its place as the primary object of interest.


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Displaying treasured artwork or collectables brings a living room to life. Arrange things for maximum effect, and hang them at eye level so they can connect to the furniture and architecture around them.


Source: Pinterest


Vastu for living room: Tips to keep in mind while designing

Making sure that your living room complies with the rules of Vastu Shastra can go a long way in bringing positivity, peace, and prosperity into your home. Here are some important Vastu tips for the living room to keep in mind. 


How to design a living room on a budget?

Designing a living room doesn’t have to break the bank. With some creativity and strategic planning, you can achieve a stylish and inviting space without overspending. Consider these budget-friendly design tips to make the most of your living room:













How would you describe the basic tenets of the living room layout?

Designing a room properly requires adhering to these seven guiding principles: balance, harmony, rhythm, proportion and scale, emphasis, contrast, and details. Any area in your house may benefit from these ideas.

How do I even begin to decorate my living room?

When designing a space, it's best to begin with the room's inherent attention-getter. In most houses, there is one central feature that grabs your attention the moment you walk in the door.

Which configuration works best for a living room?

An L-shaped arrangement is recommended for a small living area. Since you can push your furniture all the way into the corner, you can fit less furniture in the room while still making good use of the space.


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