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Tithonia Diversifolia: A Comprehensive Guide

Tithonia diversifolia: Facts, physical description, growth, maintenance and uses of the Mexican sunflower

Mexican sunflower, also known as Tithonia diversifolia, is a species of flowering plant in the Asteraceae family. Tree marigold, Mexico tournesol, Japanese sunflower, or nitobe chrysanthemum are other names for this heat-loving annual plant.

This perennial plant is indigenous to Central America and Mexico. Mexican sunflower is the name given to a plant as it originated in Mexico, and the flowerhead is typical of sunflowers when you examine it.


Tithonia diversifolia: Key facts

Botanical name Tithonia diversifolia
Family Asteraceae
Common name Mexican sunflower, Japanese sunflower, tree marigold, Mexico tournesol, or nitobe chrysanthemum
Plant type Perennial, annual
Native  Central America and Mexico
Leaf type  Large, garish leaves, 5–15 cm wide and 10–30 cm long
Flower Characteristics In the shades of red, yellow, and orange and are beaming.
Varieties available 10-15 species
Height 4-6 feet in height and 3-4 feet wide
Season All year round, flowers are produced from mid-summer until frost.
Bloom time Summer, fall
Sun exposure Full and direct
Ideal temperature  60° Fahrenheit
Soil type Sandy, well-drained
Ideal location for placement Outdoors
Maintenance Low maintenance
Water requirement  Average water needs
Fertilisation Once every 2-3 months during the growing season
Pruning Trim withered leaves once a month
Potting Suggestions Needs excellent drainage in pots


Tithonia diversifolia: Physical description

  1. Tithonia diversifolia is a bushy plant that can grow up to 4-6 feet in height and 3-4 feet wide.
  2. This flower comes in shades of red, yellow, and orange.
  3. The large, garish leaves of this plant are said to be 5–15 cm wide and 10–30 cm long. 
  4. It has the potential to flourish all year round.

Source: Pinterest


Tithonia diversifolia: How to grow?

Growing tips

Source: Pinterest


Tithonia diversifolia: Maintenance tips

  1. Overall, Tithonia is an easy plant to grow, and it’s fairly pest and disease-resistant, but still, it should be thoroughly checked.
  2. These plants do not require any additional fertilisation for their growth, but a little fertiliser can be needed in the springs for this plant to shoot up.
  3. In hot summer climates with insufficient rainfall, these plants require constant watering.
  4. Tithonia should be staked to provide support as it grows; windy places require this especially.
  5. Fertilisation can be needed once every 2-3 months, especially during the growing season.
  6. Trim the diseased and withered leaves once a month for better growth.
  7. If planted in pots, excellent drainage is needed.


Tithonia diversifolia: Is this plant toxic?

No harmful effects of Tithonia diversifolia have been observed or reported.


Tithonia diversifolia: Uses

Source: Pinterest



Can I plant Tithonia in a container?

It is not recommended to grow tithonia in containers; Tithonia grows very large and would require an excessive amount of water, sunlight, high temperatures and fertiliser to thrive in a container which makes it hard to grow in closed containers. Rather, one can plant these in their backyards.

Is a Mexican sunflower the same as a sunflower?

Not really! The resemblance is the only factor they share in common.

Are Mexican sunflowers edible?

Yes, the leaves and flowers are edible; they can be used to dress up salads or as a flashy dish garnish.


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