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Top IT companies in Thanjavur

IT companies in Thanjavur

The IT industry is making significant strides in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, contributing to the city’s growth and development. The emergence of IT companies has led to increased demand for commercial office spaces, especially in areas close to these firms. This surge in demand has spurred growth in the local real estate market, with rising property values and a boom in construction, including office spaces and residential properties. As more IT companies set up operations in Thanjavur, the real estate sector is experiencing a positive impact, creating opportunities for both investors and homeowners.

See also: Top IT companies in Kannur


Business landscape in Thanjavur

Thanjavur, a historic city in Tamil Nadu, has seen a transformation in its business landscape in recent years. Traditionally known for its agriculture and cultural heritage, the city is now emerging as a hub for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly in sectors like information technology, manufacturing and education. The city’s strategic location, skilled workforce and improving infrastructure have attracted businesses, leading to economic growth and increased employment opportunities. Thanjavur’s blend of tradition and modernity makes it an evolving and promising business destination in South India.

Read also: Top 10 courier companies in India

Top IT companies in Thanjavur


Industry: Information Technology (IT), Data Analytics, AI, Robotics, IoT

Sub-industry: IT – Software, App Development

Company Type: Industry Top

Location: Ramani Nagar, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu 613007

Founding Year:  2006

Sardonyx offers comprehensive IT solutions to help clients increase revenue, reduce costs and access timely information. The company provides integrated application solutions for businesses of all sizes. It prioritises quality, adaptability, teamwork and innovation to deliver high-quality services, including website and portal development, across various sectors.


Vebbox Software Solutions

Industry: Information Technology (IT), Data Analytics, AI, Robotics, IoT

Sub-industry: IT – Software, App Development

Company Type: SME

Location: Kurinji Nagar, New Housing Unit, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu 613001

Vebbox Software Solutions is a custom software development company that delivers IT solutions worldwide. Its dedicated team combines industry expertise, technology, and business knowledge for digital transformation. It focuses on the concept, design, development and re-engineering of web businesses, collaborating with software leaders on new applications.


Exela Technologies

Industry: Information Technology (IT), Data Analytics, AI, Robotics, IoT

Sub-industry: IT – Software, App Development

Company Type: MNC

Location: Trichy Main Road,Tanjore 613007

Founding Year: 2017

Exela is a global leader in business process automation (BPA), with a presence in 21 countries. It offers digital transformation solutions for over 4,000 customers across 50 countries, including Fortune 100 companies. Its services encompass various industries, including finance, healthcare, and public sector, with expertise in workflow automation, cognitive automation, digital mailrooms and more.



Industry: Information Technology (IT), Data Analytics, AI, Robotics, IoT

Sub-industry: IT – Cloud Computing, Datacenter, Networking, Security, IT – AI, Robotics, IoT

Company Type: SMEs

Location:  near GRT Jewellery, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu 613001

Founding Year: 2017

SightSpectrum is a specialised Technology Consulting and Services company focusing on Data, Cloud, Analytics and AI. It serves Fortune 1000 clients, providing cost-effective solutions across various industries. With a team of experienced specialists, it empowers businesses to leverage data for digital transformation and innovation.



Industry: Information Technology (IT), Data Analytics, AI, Robotics, IoT

Sub-industry: IT – Software, App Development

Company Type: Industry Top

Location: Diwan Nagar, Court Road, Thanjavur-613001 

Founding Year: 1999 

NSEIT, or National Stock Exchange IT, is an information technology company associated with the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE). With over 20 years of experience, NSEIT has been a pioneer in providing technology solutions and services to various industries. It has a strong focus on cybersecurity and cloud technologies, reinforced by strategic investments and acquisitions in companies like Aujas Cybersecurity and


Veremax Technologie Services

Industry: Information Technology (IT), Data Analytics, AI, Robotics, IoT

Sub-industry: IT – Software, App Development

Company Type: SME

Location:  Kilpauk, Chennai – 600010

Founding Year: 2013

Veremax Technologie Services (VTSL) is a company based in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, established in 2013. It specialises in providing innovative Telecom Infrastructure Solutions, Internet Services and Software Development support. VTSL aims to leverage world-class technologies to offer cost-effective solutions to their clients.


Fresa Technologies

Industry: Information Technology (IT), Data Analytics, AI, Robotics, IoT

Sub-industry: IT – Software, App Development

Company Type: Industry Top

Location: Mannargudi, Tamil Nadu 614001

Founding Year: 2012

Fresa Technologies is a professional software company specialising in IT services for the Freight forwarding and shipping industries. It develops cost-effective and user-friendly Freight Forwarding Software Applications and provides infrastructure and hardware support, including website development and Mail Services. 


Commercial real estate demand in Thanjavur

Office spaces: Thanjavur, with the establishment of IT companies and other businesses, the need for well-equipped and modern office spaces has witnessed significant growth. Several commercial complexes and co-working spaces have emerged to cater to this demand, offering state-of-the-art facilities and flexible lease options.

Rental properties: The rental property market in Thanjavur has experienced increased activity due to the rising number of professionals and employees relocating to the city for job opportunities. Rental properties, both residential and commercial, have seen an uptick in demand.

The influx of IT companies and businesses has had a positive impact on Thanjavur’s real estate market. Property values, especially in commercial areas, have appreciated steadily. Developers are actively investing in constructing commercial properties to meet the rising demand, contributing to the city’s economic growth. 


Impact of IT companies in Thanjavur

The presence of IT companies in Thanjavur has had a significant impact on the city’s economy and job market. It has created employment opportunities for local talent, reduced unemployment rates and contributed to the city’s economic growth. Additionally, the influx of professionals has increased the demand for various services, including real estate, hospitality and retail. Overall, IT companies have played a pivotal role in enhancing the socio-economic landscape of Thanjavur, making it a promising destination for both businesses and job seekers.



What are some of the top IT companies in Thanjavur?

Some of the prominent IT companies in Thanjavur are SightSpectrum, NSEIT, Sardonyx and Excela Technologies.

What do IT companies do?

IT companies provide technology-related products and services, including software development, hardware maintenance, cybersecurity, IT consulting, and more, to support businesses in managing and optimising their digital infrastructure and operations.

What industries do IT companies serve?

IT companies serve a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, e-commerce, education, and more.

Can Thanjavur-based IT companies work with clients outside the region?

Certainly, Thanjavur-based IT companies have the capability and infrastructure to work with clients located outside the region and even internationally.

Are there job opportunities in the IT sector in Thanjavur?

Yes, there are job opportunities in the IT sector in Thanjavur, primarily in areas such as web development, software programming and digital marketing.

What technologies do IT companies work with?

IT companies work with a variety of technologies, including Java, .NET, PHP, Python, JavaScript, and more, depending on project requirements.

How can I contact IT companies in Thanjavur for services or inquiries?

Contact information for these companies is usually available on their websites or through local directories.

How can I request a quote or proposal from an IT company?

To request a quote or proposal, you can typically contact the IT company through their website or by reaching out to their sales or business development team. They will gather project details and provide you with an estimate.

What is the average size of IT companies in Thanjavur, and are there any multinational IT giants present?

Thanjavur primarily consists of smaller, locally focused IT firms.

How many companies are there in Thanjavur?

There are around 600 companies in Thanjavur.

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